Презентация, доклад по английскому языку для 6 класса новые слова


Слайд 1


Слайд 5
a carton

a carton

Слайд 6
a carton

a carton

Слайд 7



Слайд 8



Слайд 15
A box

...A box

Слайд 16
A box

...A box

Слайд 17


Слайд 18


Слайд 19
A customer

...A customer

Слайд 20
A customer

...A customer

Слайд 21
a packet

...a packet

Слайд 22
a packet

...a packet

Слайд 23
a bottle

...a bottle

Слайд 24
a bottle

...a bottle

Слайд 25
a bottle

...a bottle

Слайд 26
A salesperson

...A salesperson

Слайд 27
A salesperson

...A salesperson

Слайд 35
She read a book at 3 o’clock yesterday.

We were buying

a flat last year.
...She read a book at 3 o’clock yesterday.We were buying a flat last year.

Слайд 36
She was reading a book at 3 o’clock yesterday.
Past Progressive

bought a flat last year.
Past Simple
...She was reading a book at 3 o’clock yesterday.Past ProgressiveWe bought a flat last year.Past Simple

Слайд 37
I did not listened to music yesterday.

They was not

write the letter all day.
...I did not listened to music yesterday. They was not write the letter all day.

Слайд 38
I did not listen to music yesterday.

They were not

writing the letter all day.
...I did not listen to music yesterday. They were not writing the letter all day.

Слайд 39

Did she cooking from two till four yesterday?

...Did she cooking from two till four yesterday?

Слайд 40

Was she cooking from two till four yesterday?

...Was she cooking from two till four yesterday?

Слайд 41

Were they bought a packet of nut 3 hours ago?

...Were they bought a packet of nut 3 hours ago?

Слайд 42

Did they buy a packet of nut 3 hours ago?

...Did they buy a packet of nut 3 hours ago?

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