Презентация, доклад по английскому языку для 4 класса Профессии

She is a baker.She works at the baker`s. She bakes bread and make a cake.bakerto bake bread and make a cakeвыпекать хлеб и делать торт

Слайд 1Professions
Who are you? What do you do?
учитель английского языка

Краснодарского края, Выселковского района
Елена Николаевна Шалимова
ProfessionsWho are you? What do you do?Подготовила учитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ №8Краснодарского края, Выселковского районаЕлена Николаевна Шалимова

Слайд 2She is a baker.
She works at the baker`s.
She bakes bread

and make a cake.


to bake bread and make a cake

выпекать хлеб и делать торт

She is a baker.She works at the baker`s. She bakes bread and make a cake.bakerto bake bread

Слайд 3He is a cook.
He works at the restaurant.
He cooks tasty food.

cook tasty food

готовить вкусную еду

He is a cook.He works at the restaurant.He cooks tasty food.cookto cook tasty foodготовить вкусную еду

Слайд 4She is a postman.
She works at the post office .

takes letters to people`s houses .


to take letters to people`s houses

доставлять письма в дома людей

She is a postman.She works at the post office . She takes letters to people`s houses .postmanto

Слайд 5She is a mechanic.
She works at the garage .
She fixes



to fix cars

ремонтировать машины

She is a mechanic.She works at the garage . She fixes cars.mechanicto fix carsремонтировать машины

Слайд 6She is a waiter .
She works at the café.
She serves

food and drinks.


to serve food and drinks

подавать еду и напитки

She is a waiter .She works at the café. She serves food and drinks.waiterto serve food and

Слайд 7He is a teacher.
He works at school.
He teaches students.
to teach


обучать студентов

He is a teacher.He works at school. He teaches students.teacherto teach studentsобучать студентов

Слайд 8He is a greengrocer.
He works at the greengrocer’s.
He sells fruit

and vegetables.


to sell fruit and vegetables

продавать фрукты и овощи

He is a greengrocer.He works at the greengrocer’s. He sells fruit and vegetables.teacherto sell fruit and vegetablesпродавать

Слайд 9She is a gardener .
She works at the garden.
She plants

trees and flowers.


to plant trees and flowers

сажать деревья и цветы

She is a gardener .She works at the garden. She plants trees and flowers.gardenerto plant trees and

Слайд 10She is a nurse.
She works at the hospital.
She helps sick



to help sick people

помогать больным людям

She is a nurse.She works at the hospital. She helps sick people.nurseto help sick peopleпомогать больным людям

Слайд 11He is a police officer.
He works at the police station.

helps people in the difficult situations.

police officer

to help people in the difficult situations

помогать людям в трудных ситуациях

He is a police officer.He works at the police station. He helps people in the difficult situations.police

Слайд 12She is a pilot.
She works at the airport.
She flies an



to fly an airplane

летать на самолете

She is a pilot.She works at the airport. She flies an airplane.pilot to fly an airplaneлетать на

Слайд 13She is a driver.
She works at the garage.
She drives a



to drive a truck

водить грузовик

She is a driver.She works at the garage. She drives a truck.driverto drive a truckводить грузовик

Слайд 14He is a pharmacist.
He works at the chemist's.
He sells medicines.

sell medicines

продавать лекарства

He is a pharmacist.He works at the chemist's. He sells medicines.pharmacistto sell medicinesпродавать лекарства

Слайд 15She is a farmer.
She works on a farm.
She grows vegetables.

grow vegetables

выращивать овощи

She is a farmer.She works on a farm. She grows vegetables.farmerto grow vegetablesвыращивать овощи

Слайд 16He is a painter.
He works at the different places .

paints buildings.


to paint buildings

окрашивать здания

He is a painter.He works at the different places . He paints buildings.painterto paint buildingsокрашивать здания

Слайд 17Источники информации
“ Spotlight 4” Н.И. Быкова, Дж. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В.

“ Word by word picture dictionary\ Steven J. Molinsky. Bill Bliss”
“ Word by word picture dictionary\ Steven J. Molinsky. Bill Bliss”-new

Источники информации“ Spotlight 4” Н.И. Быкова, Дж. Дули, М.Д. Поспелова, В. Эванс“ Word by word picture dictionary\

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