Слайд 2Ex.1
carotene|ˈkarətiːn| - каротин
carbohydrates|ˌkɑːbəˈhaɪdreɪts| - углеводы
fibre|ˈfʌɪbə| - клетчатка, пищевые волокна
calcium|ˈkalsɪəm| - кальций
|zɪŋk| - цинк
protein|ˈprəʊtiːn| - белок
iron |ˈaɪən| - железо
Слайд 3Ex. 1
healthy skin & tissue |ˈtɪʃuː| - здоровая кожа и ткани
& development – рост и развитие
a source of energy - источник энергии
a healthy gut – здоровый кишечник
blood & nerve cells – кровь и нервные клетки
healthy bones - здоровые кости
tissue growth & repair – рост и восстановление тканей
eyesight – зрение
Слайд 4Ex. 3
sprinkle - посыпать, брызгать
blend - смешивать
simmer - кипятить на медленном
fry - жарить
soak - замачивать
marinate|ˈmarɪneɪt| – мариновать
drain – стекать, осушать, сушить
serve - подавать (на стол)
Слайд 5Ex. 4
Flour : plain (простая мука); self-rising (блинная, самоподнимающаяся), wholemeal (пшеничная
мука грубого помола)
Sugar : white; icing (сахарная пудра), cane (тростниковый)
Steak : well-done (хорошо прожаренный стейк); rare (стейк с кровью); medium (средней прожарки)
Water : sparkling (газированная); mineral; still (негазированная )
Coffee : black; filter; white
Vegetables : seasonal; fired, fresh
Oil : corn, olive, vegetable
Drink : soft (безалкогольный напиток); alcoholic; fizzy (газированный напиток)
Fruit : dried (сушеные фрукты); tropical; fresh
Dish : side (гарнир); fish ; meat
Слайд 8CHECK - to do something in order to find out whether
something really is correct, true, or in good condition
проверять, контролировать; ревизовать; сличать; расследовать
TEST - to ask someone spoken or written questions, or make them do a practical activity, to discover what they know about a subject
подвергать испытанию; испытывать, проверять; опробовать; быть мерилом
EXAMINE - to ask someone questions to test their knowledge of a subject
экзаменовать; опрашивать
CONTROL - to make sure that something is done correctly
контролировать, проверять
2.4 EX.5
Слайд 9REDUCE - to make something smaller or less in size, amount,
or price
уменьшать; сокращать
WEAKEN - to make someone or something less powerful or less important, or to become less powerful
ослаблять, слабеть
SHRINK - to become smaller, or to make something smaller, through the effects of heat or water
садиться, давать усадку
SHORTEN - to become shorter or make something shorter
укорачивать, урезать
Слайд 10RISE – 1) to increase in number, amount, or value; 2)
to go upwards; 3) to stand up; 4) to become important, powerful, successful
подниматься, повышаться, возрасти
RAISE – 1) to move or lift something to a higher position, place, or level; 2) to increase an amount, number, or level; 3) to collect money that you can use to do a particular job or help people; 4) to begin to talk or write about a subject that you want to be considered or a question that you think should be answered; 5) to begin to talk or write about a subject that you want to be considered or a question that you think should be answered; 6) to look after your children and help them grow
поднимать; будить; растить, воспитывать
ARISE – 1) if a problem or difficult situation arises, it begins to happen; 2) if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc
возникать, появляться, происходить, являться
GROW UP - to develop from being a child to being an adult
вырастать, подрасти, возмужать, становиться взрослым, мужать, созревать
Слайд 11MANAGE – 1) to direct or control a business or department
and the people, equipment, and money involved in it; 2) to succeed in doing something difficult, especially after trying very hard
управлять, руководить
ACQUIRE – 1) to obtain something by buying it or being given it; 2) to get or gain something; 3) to gain knowledge or learn a skill
приобретать, получать, овладевать, обзаводиться, наживать
ACHIEVE – 1) to successfully complete something or get a good result, especially by working hard; 2) to be successful in a particular kind of job or activity; 3) to succeed in reaching a particular level or grade
достигать, добиваться, выполнять, успешно выполнять, доводить до конца
SUCCEED – 1) to do what you tried or wanted to do; 2) to have the result or effect something was intended to have; 3) to do well in your job, especially because you have worked hard at it for a long time
преуспевать, иметь успех
Слайд 12REMOVE – 1) to take something away from, out of, or
off the place where it is; 2) to get rid of something so that it does not exist any longer; 3) to force someone out of an important position or dismiss them from a job
передвигать, перемещать; убирать; уносить; смещать с должности, с поста
DELETE |dɪˈliːt|- to remove something that has been written down or stored in a computer
удалять, стирать
EXTRACT |ˈekstrækt|– 1) to remove an object from somewhere, especially with difficulty; 2) to carefully remove a substance from something which contains it, using a machine, chemical process etc; 3) to get something which you want from someone, such as information, money, help etc, especially when they do not want to give it to you
извлекать, вытаскивать, вытягивать; выжимать получать экстракт; экстрагировать; добыть
TAKE OUT – 1) to get money from your bank account; 2) to borrow books from a library
забирать, получать
Слайд 13TREAT – to behave towards someone or something in a particular
относиться, обращаться
BEHAVE - to do things that are good, bad, sensible etc
вести себя, поступать
USE – if you use a particular tool, method, service, ability etc, you do something with that tool, by means of that method etc, for a particular purpose
пользоваться, применять
OPERATE - to use and control a machine or equipment
приводить в движение, в действие; заставлять работать
Слайд 14ARTIFICIAL - not real or not made of natural things but
made to be like something that is real or natural
искусственный, синтетический
FAKE - made to look like a real material or object in order to deceive people
фальшивка, подделка
FALSE - a statement, story etc that is false is completely untrue
ложный, неверный; ошибочный
COUNTERFEIT |ˈkaʊntəfɪt| - made to look exactly like something else, in order to deceive people
поддельный, фальшивый
Слайд 15BONY – 1) someone or part of their body that is
bony is very thin; 2) bony meat or fish contains a lot of small bones
костлявый; костистый
SKINNY - very thin, especially in a way that is unattractive
тощий; кожа да кости
THIN – 1) if something is thin, there is only a small distance between its two opposite sides or surfaces; 2) having little fat on your body; 3) if someone has thin hair, they do not have a lot of hair
LEAN - thin in a healthy and attractive way
худой, тощий
Слайд 16SUPPLEMENT – something that you add to something else to improve
it or make it complete
дополнение, добавление (к книге, документу, счёту и т. п.); приложение (к периодическому изданию)
EXTRA – something which is added to a basic product or service that improves it and often costs more
что-л. предоставляемое за дополнительную плату
ADDITIVE |ˈadɪtɪv|– a substance that is added to food to improve its taste, appearance etc
добавка (пищевая и т. п.)
ADDITION |əˈdɪʃ(ə)n|- something that is added to something else, often in order to improve it
дополнение, добавление, сложение, прибавление, добавка
Слайд 17RECEIPT |rɪˈsiːt| - a piece of paper that you are given
which shows that you have paid for something
чек, квитанция
PRESCRIPTION – a piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine a sick person should have, so that they can get it from a pharmacist
рецепт (медицинский)
RECIPE |ˈrɛsɪpi|– a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food
рецепт (кулинарный)
INSTRUCTION - the written information that tells you how to do or use something
Слайд 19Ex. 6
lose weight – похудеть
lose heart – падать духом, опускать руки,
miss the target – промахнуться
miss a train – пропустить поезд
lose one’s way – заблудиться
miss the point – упустить момент
lose luggage – потерять багаж
miss the plane – опоздать на самолет
lose money – потерять деньги