Презентация, доклад по английскому языку для 10-11 классов Вашингтон-столица США

Washington, D.C., is the capital of United States of America. It lies on the Potomac River. It is located in the District of Columbia (that is what D.C. stands for). The District of Columbia itself is

Слайд 1Washington d.C.
Koverninian Secondary school №2
Made by the students of 11 form

V. Golubeva N/

Washington d.C.Koverninian Secondary school №2Made by the students of 11 formDavydova V. Golubeva N/2015

Слайд 2Washington, D.C., is the capital of United States of America. It

lies on the Potomac River. It is located in the District of Columbia (that is what D.C. stands for). The District of Columbia itself is between two states – Maryland and Virginia.

Washington, D.C., is the capital of United States of America. It lies on the Potomac River. It

Слайд 3The capital was named after the first U.S. President, George Washington.

The capital was named after the first U.S. President, George Washington.

Слайд 4The Capitol is the place where the American Congress sits. It

is the symbol of American power. In 1791 the corner-stone of Capitol was laid by George Washington. The Capitol was built almost in the centre of the city on the Capitol Hill. A bronze Statue of Freedom is on the top of the Capitol’s dome.
The Capitol is the place where the American Congress sits. It is the symbol of American power.

Слайд 5The White House is the official Presidential residence. It has the

most well known address in the USA – 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue. It is a two-storied white building, which consists of 132 rooms.
The White House is the official Presidential residence. It has the most well known address in the

Слайд 6One of the most impressive sights in Washington is the famous

Washington Monument. It looks like a huge pencil and it is called “The Pencil”.
One of the most impressive sights in Washington is the famous Washington Monument. It looks like a

Слайд 7There are also such famous memorials in Washington as the Jefferson

Memorial and Lincoln Memorial.
There are also such famous memorials in Washington as the Jefferson Memorial and Lincoln Memorial.

Слайд 8The National Mall is a national park in the centre of

Washington. It is between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol.
The National Mall is a national park in the centre of Washington. It is between the Lincoln

Слайд 9The Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States Department of Defence)

The Pentagon (the headquarters of the United States Department of Defence)

Слайд 10The Arlington National Cemetry is a well-known place. President Kennedy was

buried there. American solders who died in World War I and II were buried on this cemetry too.
The Arlington National Cemetry is a well-known place. President Kennedy was buried there. American solders who died

Слайд 11The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum complex and research

organization which consist of 19 museum and eight research centers, buildings of the Smithsonian Institution and a zoo.
The Smithsonian Institution is the world’s largest museum complex and research organization which consist of 19 museum

Слайд 12The National Air and Space Achievements Museum (NASA Museum) is the

most popular of the Smithsonian Museums. It has the largest collection of aircraft and spacecraft in the world.
The National Air and Space Achievements Museum (NASA Museum) is the most popular of the Smithsonian Museums.

Слайд 13The national Gallery of Art is an art museum located also

on the National Mall. It was established by great masters from the 14th to the 19th century.
The national Gallery of Art is an art museum located also on the National Mall. It was

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