Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Discover Britain


Great Britain is situated in Europe

Неустроева В.А.,
учитель английского языка МБОУ «Томпонская гимназия»

DISCOVER BRITAINНеустроева В.А., учитель английского языка МБОУ «Томпонская гимназия»

Слайд 2Great Britain is situated in Europe

Great Britain is situated in Europe

The British Isles is the name for a collection of

about 4000 islands. Great Britain is the name for the largest of the islands, it includes England, Scotland and Wales.
The United Kingdom or UK includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The full name of the country is The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland.
GREAT BRITAINThe British Isles is the name for a collection of about 4000 islands. Great Britain is



Слайд 5The British flag is known as the Union Jack. It’s a

combination of three flags.

English flag, the Saint George’s cross.

Scottish flag, the Saint Andrew’s cross.

Former flag
of Ireland,
The Saint
Patrick’s cross

The British flag is known as the Union Jack. It’s a combination of three flags.English flag, the



Слайд 7Britain’s invaders.
Between the 6th and the 3rd century BC, the British

Isles were invaded by Celtic tribes.
Then the Romans came. They founded London and called the new city Londinium.
Later the British Isles were invaded by the Anglo-Saxons (Germanic tribes), the Vikings and the Normans(came from Scandinavia).

Britain’s invaders.Between the 6th and the 3rd century BC, the British Isles were invaded by Celtic tribes.Then

Слайд 8Every year people go to Stonehenge to take part in midsummer

Druid festival.
Every year people go to Stonehenge to take part in midsummer Druid festival.

Слайд 9Many tourists come over to look at the ruins of Hadrian’s

Many tourists come over to look at the ruins of Hadrian’s Wall.

Слайд 12One of the oldest cities is Bath. It’s 2000 years old.

One of the oldest cities is Bath. It’s 2000 years old.

Population: 49 million people
Capital: London

ENGLANDPopulation: 49 million peopleCapital: London

Слайд 16The emblem of England is the red rose.

The emblem of England is the red rose.

Слайд 17London
London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the greatest

cities in the world.
London is one of the oldest cities. It’s more than twenty centuries old.
London is the largest city in Great Britain.
London is situated on the river Thames.
There are many theatres, cinemas, concert halls and museums in London.
London is the heart of Britain.

LondonLondon, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the greatest cities in the world.London is one

Слайд 18Big Ben is the biggest bell in the clock tower in

Big Ben is the biggest bell in the clock tower in Britain.

Слайд 19This clock tower is a part of the Houses of Parliament

This clock tower is a part of the Houses of Parliament

Слайд 20The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

Слайд 21Westminster Abbeyis a large church in  London. Most of queens and

kings of England have been crowned here.
Westminster Abbeyis a large church in  London. Most of queens and kings of England have been crowned

Слайд 22The river Thames is the deepest and the most beautiful river

in Britain. There is a lot of industry near the Thames.
The river Thames is the deepest and the most beautiful river in Britain. There is a lot

Слайд 23The Tower of London.

The Tower of London.

Слайд 24The Tower of London is a very big castle.
It is

the oldest place in London. It’s 1000 years old. It was a castle, a palace, a zoo, a prison and a museum.
The most famous things in the Tower of London are the Crown Jewels. They have the biggest diamond in the world – the “Star of Africa”

The Tower of London is a very big castle. It is the oldest place in London. It’s

Слайд 25The Crown Jewels

The Crown Jewels

Слайд 26The Tower of London is still a royal palace.

The Tower of London is still a royal palace.

Слайд 27Tower Bridge. It is next to The Tower of London. It

was built in 1894.
Tower Bridge. It is next to The Tower of London. It was built in 1894.

Слайд 28Saint Paul’s Cathedral is the third largest church in the world.

Saint Paul’s Cathedral is the third largest church in the world.

Слайд 29Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 30Trafalgar Square
It’s the most popular place for people to meet.
In the

middle there is Nelson’s Column. It’s guarded by four bronze lions.
Trafalgar Square is also famous for its fountains.
Trafalgar SquareIt’s the most popular place for people to meet.In the middle there is Nelson’s Column. It’s

Слайд 31Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Слайд 32Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Слайд 33Hyde Park
It is the most famous park in London. It’s a

pleasure to watch Londoners walk and jog in the park, eat their sandwiches, talk, sunbathe, read books and enjoy music.
Hyde ParkIt is the most famous park in London. It’s a pleasure to watch Londoners walk and

Слайд 34Madame Tussaud’s
It’s the most famous waxwork museum.
There are a lot of

kings, queens, presidents, film stars.
It is very popular – two million people visit it every year.

Madame Tussaud’sIt’s the most famous waxwork museum.There are a lot of kings, queens, presidents, film stars.It is

Слайд 35It takes about 6 months to make a new figure.

It takes about 6 months to make a new figure.

Слайд 36Telephone box in London

Telephone box in London

Слайд 37London taxis are called black cabs.

London taxis are called black cabs.

Слайд 38The double-decker bus.

The double-decker bus.

Слайд 39Baker Street in London is a street where the detective Sherlock

Holmes lived in stories by Arthur Conan Doyle.
Baker Street in London is a street where the detective Sherlock Holmes lived in stories by Arthur

Слайд 40The County of Kent situated here is known as the garden

of England.
The County of Kent situated here is known as the garden of England.

Слайд 42Heathrow Airport, one of the world’s busiest airports is about 33

km west of central London.
Heathrow Airport, one of the world’s busiest airports is about 33 km west of central London.

Слайд 43One of the most important industrial cities is Liverpool – the

biggest port.
One of the most important industrial cities is Liverpool – the biggest port.

Population: 5 million people
Capital: Edinburgh

SCOTLANDPopulation: 5 million peopleCapital: Edinburgh

Слайд 46The emblem of Scotland is the thistle.

The emblem of Scotland is the thistle.

Слайд 47Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.

Слайд 48Scotland’s national instrument is the bagpipes. Scottish piper is wearing a

skirt, called a kilt.
Scotland’s national instrument is the bagpipes. Scottish piper is wearing a skirt, called a kilt.

Слайд 50Loch Ness is the most famous lake in Scotland. There are

a lot of reports about Nessie – a water monster.
Loch Ness is the most famous lake in Scotland. There are a lot of reports about Nessie

Слайд 51There are beautiful lakes in Scotland.

There are beautiful lakes in Scotland.

Слайд 52Here you can find deep valleys, waterfalls, hills and mountains.

Here you can find deep valleys, waterfalls, hills and mountains.

Слайд 54WALES
Population: 3 million people
Capital: Cardiff

WALESPopulation: 3 million peopleCapital: Cardiff

Слайд 55The emblem of Wales is the daffodil.

The emblem of Wales is the daffodil.

Слайд 56The Welsh Flag

The Welsh Flag

Слайд 57Wales is the country of princes and castles.

Wales is the country of princes and castles.

Слайд 58Wales is the country of music and song. Every year there’s

a festival – Eisteddfod.
Wales is the country of music and song. Every year there’s a festival – Eisteddfod.

Слайд 59Wales is very flat and it is another farming region.

Wales is very flat and it is another farming region.

Population: 2 million people
Capital: Belfast

NORTHERN IRELANDPopulation: 2 million peopleCapital: Belfast

Слайд 61The emblem of Northern Ireland is the shamrock.

The emblem of Northern Ireland is the shamrock.

Слайд 62The Giant’s Causeway. It has 40.000 stone columns.

The Giant’s Causeway. It has 40.000 stone columns.

Слайд 63Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day

Слайд 64It is interesting to know…

It is interesting to know…

Слайд 65Greenwich


Слайд 66William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

Слайд 67Oxford.


Слайд 70The most westerly point of Great Britain “Land’s End”

The most westerly point of Great Britain “Land’s End”

Слайд 73Currency of UK is pound

Currency of UK is pound

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