Презентация, доклад по английскому языку At the doctors (7 class)

Greeting:T: Good morning children!Ch: Good morning, good morning Good morning to you! Good morning my teacher We are glad to see you.T: Who is on duty today?P1: I’m on duty today.T:

Слайд 1The theme:
At the doctor’s

The 13th of January

The theme: At the doctor’sThe 13th of January

Слайд 2Greeting:
T: Good morning children!
Ch: Good morning, good morning

morning to you!
Good morning my teacher
We are glad to see you.
T: Who is on duty today?
P1: I’m on duty today.
T: Who is absent?
P1: All are present.
T: What date is it today?
P1: Today is ……………
Thanks, sit down

Greeting:T: Good morning children!Ch: Good morning, good morning   Good morning to you!  Good morning

Слайд 3Strip [strip] сындырып алу, тартып алу
Waist [weist] бел
Hurt [hә:t] ауру
Surgery [sә:dзәri

Examine [ig`zәemin] тексеру, сынау
Suggest [sәdзest] кеңес беру, ақыл айту 
Sick  [sik] жүрек айну
Giddy [gidi] басын айналдыратын 

Жаңа сөздер

Strip [strip] сындырып алу, тартып алуWaist [weist] белHurt [hә:t] ауруSurgery [sә:dзәri хирургия] Examine [ig`zәemin] тексеру, сынау Suggest

Слайд 4Exercise 1
Write when people do the following
go to the dentist
drink warm

milk with honey
call a doctor
go to bed early and rest
take some aspirin
don`t drink coffee or tea
Exercise 1Write when people do the followinggo to the dentistdrink warm milk with honeycall a doctorgo to

Слайд 6Exercise 3
A consultation at the doctor's usually consists of the following


The doctor asks what's wrong.

The patient describes the symptoms.

The doctor asks questions; the patient answers.

The doctor examines the patient…
Exercise 3A consultation at the doctor's usually consists of the following stages:The doctor asks what's wrong.The patient

Слайд 7Exercise 4. Read the text. Check the meaning of the new

words in your dictionary

Treating a Patient.
Exercise 4. Read the text. Check the meaning of the new words in your dictionaryTreating a Patient.

Слайд 8Exercise 5. Read the text again and complete the chart
Problem He

was running a high temperature. He felt sick and giddy. He had a headache and a sore throat.

Diagnosis It was flu.

Treatment To take a tablespoonful of mixture and tablets three times a day.
Exercise 5. Read the text again and complete the chart Problem He was running a high temperature. He

Слайд 9Үйге тапсырма
Exercise 4 and vocabulary
Сабақты қорыту:
The lesson is over,

good bye
Үйге тапсырмаExercise 4 and vocabulary  Сабақты қорыту: The lesson is over, good bye 

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