Презентация, доклад по английскому языку At pharmacy (7 класс)

[p] [k ] [d] [ei] An apple a day keeps a doctor

Слайд 1At pharmacy

At pharmacy

Слайд 2[p] [k ] [d] [ei] An apple a day keeps a

[θ] [w] [e ] Good health is above wealth.

[З:] [ r] [ h] [ θ] Early to bed,
early to rise –
Makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise.

Phonetic exeсises

[p] [k ] [d] [ei] An apple a day keeps a doctor

Слайд 3to feel – чувствовать себя
feel fine, feel good, feel sick,

feel bad

have got
a sore throat - больное горло
a headache – головная боль
a stomachache – боль в желудке
a toothache – зубная боль
a runny nose – насморк
a cough – кашель
a cold/flu – простуда/грипп

to feel – чувствовать себя feel fine, feel good, feel sick, feel badhave gota sore throat -

Слайд 4Serious reasons to miss school.
If a student has got the…, he

can (should) miss school/championship.
Serious reasons to miss school.If a student has got the…, he can (should) miss school/championship.

Слайд 5Match the photos and the doctors.
a) a veterinarian b) a

surgeon c) a dentist
Match the photos and the doctors.a) a veterinarian  b) a surgeon  c) a dentist

Слайд 6Glossary
a nurse – медсестра
a hospital – больница
a chemist – аптекарь
a dentist

– зубной врач
a pharmacy – аптека
Glossarya nurse – медсестраa hospital – больницаa chemist – аптекарьa dentist – зубной врачa pharmacy – аптека

Слайд 7At pharmacy/ at the chemist’s:
Have you got something for (a cold,

a cough, etc.)?
I’m afraid I don’t feel very well.
I’ve got a cough.
At pharmacy/  at the chemist’s:Have you got something for (a cold, a cough, etc.)?I’m afraid I

Слайд 8Glossary
to take medicine – принимать лекарство
to have a rest – отдохнуть

take one’s temperature – измерять температуру
to give up – бросить, отказаться
to go for a walk – выходить на прогулку
Be careful! – Будьте осторожны!
Don’t forget to… - Не забудьте…
Cheer up! – Взбодритесь!
Take it easy. – Не принимайте это близко к сердцу.
Glossaryto take medicine – принимать лекарствоto have a rest – отдохнутьto take one’s temperature – измерять температуруto

Слайд 9Which proverb you have chosen as a title of our lesson?

apple a day keeps a doctor away

Good health is above wealth.

Early to bed, early to rise – Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Which proverb you have chosen as a title of our lesson?An apple a day keeps a doctor

Слайд 10Don’t forget that “Good Health is above Wealth”
Thank you very much

for your work.

Good bye!
Don’t forget that  “Good Health is above Wealth”Thank you very much for your work.Good bye!

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