Презентация, доклад по английскому языку 9 класс на тему :Глобализация

Today we are going :to research what this process actually means;to study how the process of globalization influences the main spheres of our life;to understand positive and negative sides of this phenomenon.

Слайд 1These days Paris is a suburb of New York and vice

versa. Jean Marie Messier ( a French businessman –Жан-Мари Мессье )
These days Paris is a suburb of New York and vice versa. Jean Marie Messier ( a

Слайд 2Today we are going :
to research what this process actually means;

study how the process of globalization influences the main spheres of our life;
to understand positive and negative sides of this phenomenon.

Today we are going :to research what this process actually means;to study how the process of globalization

Слайд 3globalization, economy, technology, multinational, phenomenon, controversial, anti-globalists, environment, argument.

globalization, economy, technology, multinational, phenomenon, controversial, anti-globalists, environment, argument.

Слайд 4Watch a video episode

Watch a video episode

Слайд 5Impacts of Globalization on Local Culture
Group 1
What is globalization?
Name the spheres

which it influences
Group 2
Name the positive aspects of globalization
Group 3
Name the negative sides of globalization

Impacts of Globalization on Local CultureGroup 1What is globalization?Name the spheres which it influences Group 2Name the

Слайд 6These are advantages and disadvantages of globalization in Russia's economy. Mark

them with "+" and with “-”

Globalization makes the local economy dependent on the economic situation in the world.
Globalization increases competition among companies.
Globalization can ruin local companies.
Globalization can create new jobs and increase employment.

These are advantages and disadvantages of globalization in Russia's economy. Mark them  with

Слайд 7People can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favourite

brands everywhere.
Cultural diversity and individuality is disappearing.
Global companies can have a serious influence on local governments.
The national economy becomes dependent on other countries.
In the global economy people of different nations are interconnected.
People can buy food, cosmetics, electronics and all of their favourite brands everywhere.Cultural diversity and individuality is

Слайд 8- Have you learnt new information at our lesson?
- Will you

use this knowledge in other classes: History or Geography?
- Have you managed to do the task?
Was it easier to work in groups?

- Have you learnt new information at our lesson?- Will you use this knowledge in other classes:

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