Презентация, доклад по английскому языку 8-10 классов Путешествие

The II Conferenceof scientific-research works of students in English

Слайд 1School №23

School №23

Слайд 2
The II Conference
of scientific-research works of students in English

The II Conferenceof scientific-research works of students in English

Слайд 3
Topic: "Travelling is a means of Education"
Nomination: Geography


Слайд 4The purpose of our work:
to show when we travel, we study

geography as a school subject.

The purpose of our work: to show when we travel, we study geography as a school subject.

Слайд 5
The following objectives:
1. To collect the material on the theme "Travel

and Education". 2. To conduct a "Geographic dictation" among students, parents and teachers on the theme "Geography of the Native Country". 3. To conduct the monitoring on the topic: "Where did I spend my summer holidays". 4. To show the quality of geographic knowledge of students
5. To collect some photos of Russia.

The following objectives: 1. To collect the material on the theme

Слайд 6 Mr. Grevs wrote: "Who managed in his youth to travel a

lot, he comes into his life with wonderful knowledge and skills which he could find no other source".
Mr. Grevs wrote:

Слайд 7Our planet is huge and wonderful. When we travel, we experience

the beauty of the world.

Our planet is huge and wonderful.  When we travel, we experience the beauty of the world.

Слайд 8 The Russian Geographical Society The President of the Society is

Sergei Shoigu

The Russian Geographical Society  The President of the Society is Sergei Shoigu

Слайд 10Our Blue Planet

Our Blue Planet2516814

Слайд 11We would like to offer you a travel across the largest

and most beautiful country in the world. Travel to Russia.
We would like to offer you a travel across the largest and most beautiful country in the

Слайд 13The Crimea

The Crimea

Слайд 14Franz Joseph Land

Franz Joseph Land

Слайд 16Sakhalin


Слайд 17Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal

Слайд 18Kamchatka


Слайд 19The “Geographic dictation"
among pupils of 7th grade, parents and

teachers on the theme
"Geography of the native country".

The “Geographic dictation

Слайд 20
The smallest sea on the coast of Russia.
The highest mountains in

The largest country in the world.
The longest river that flows only on Russian territory.
The largest island of Russia.
The largest Peninsula of Russia.
7. The highest peak.
8. The deepest lake in the world and the largest in Russia

The result of this "dictation" is we don't know the geography of our native country.

The smallest sea on the coast of Russia. The highest mountains in Russia.The largest country in the

Слайд 21Where did you spend your summer holidays?

Where did you spend your summer holidays?

Слайд 22Conclusion: the majority of children spend their summer holidays at home

or prefer to travel abroad.

At home – 35%
Russia – 32%
Abroad – 33%

Conclusion: the majority of children spend their summer holidays at home or prefer to travel abroad.At home

Слайд 23Our Geography Lesson at school

30 students
2014 - 2015
Conclusion: the older

the children, the worse their knowledge of geography.
Our Geography Lesson at school7а30 students2014 - 201592%92%92%83%2015-201680% 73%67%Conclusion: the older the children, the worse their knowledge

Слайд 24Conclusion.
Travelling is a great way to learn something new and good.

gives us a good opportunity to dive into the world of culture and nature.

Conclusion.  Travelling is a great way to learn something new and good. Travelling gives us a

Слайд 25The more you travel, the more you know. The more you travel,

the better you are. The more you travel, the happier you are.
The more you travel, the more you know. The more you travel, the better you are. The

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