Презентация, доклад по английскому языку .7 класс Школа моей мечты

I would like that at my school there were lockers as at the american schools!

Слайд 1School of my dream!
Work was performed by Galieva Alina 7 class

School of my dream!Work was performed by Galieva Alina 7 class

Слайд 2I would like that at my school there were lockers as

at the american schools!
I would like that at my school there were lockers as at the american schools!

Слайд 3Also I dream that at my school sold free and tasty

Also I dream that at my school sold free and tasty food!

Слайд 4I want that in my school was a convenient and beautiful

school uniforms
I want that in my school was a convenient and beautiful school uniforms

Слайд 5And at last I would like big and modern classes

And at last I would like big and modern classes

Слайд 6I consider that at my school the kindest ,clever teachers and

the coolest, amicable schoolmates
I consider that at my school the kindest ,clever teachers and the coolest, amicable schoolmates

Слайд 7Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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