Презентация, доклад по английскому языку 6 класс на тему Здоровье -дороже богатства

1) better, than, is, Wealth, Health.2) doctor, a day, away, keeps, An, keeps, a, apple.Put the words into right order and read English proverb

Слайд 1Health is
Подготовил учитель Федорова Г.В.

Health is better than wealthПодготовил учитель Федорова Г.В.

Слайд 21) better, than, is, Wealth, Health.
2) doctor, a day, away, keeps,

An, keeps, a, apple.

Put the words into right order and read English proverb

1) better, than, is, Wealth, Health.2) doctor, a day, away, keeps, An, keeps, a, apple.Put the words

Слайд 3Guess the riddles
1) A little ball can reach the sky...
2) These

two brothers live not very far apart;
One of the left, one of the right;
But never see each other…
3) It lives alone between two bright cheeks…
4) A thick forest which grows as fast as it is cut
down ...
5) It always beats and hops
It never sleeps or stops
And never we part with our little …
Guess the riddles1) A little ball can reach the sky...2) These two brothers live not very far

Слайд 4All people have Habits. They are good and bad. There are

some of them. Write them in two colums – first good , second –bad.

Eat fruit and vegetables, all day long play computer games, eat a lot of sweets, clean teeth twice a day, take drugs, do morning exercises, eat unfresh food, wash your hands, drink much coffee ,sleep 7-8 hours.

All people have Habits. They are good and bad. There are some of them. Write them in

Слайд 5Do you know the names of doctors?
1 a dentist

a) ветеринар
2 a vet в) дантист
3 a surgeon с) кардиолог
4 a doctor d) хирург
5 a pediatrician е) врач общей
6 a cardiologist f) детский врач
Do you know the names of doctors? 1 a dentist

Слайд 6What advice will you give your friend if he has :

A headache;
A running temperature;
a sore throat
If you have got a sore throat you should drink milk with honey.
What advice will you give your friend if he has : A toothache;A headache;A running temperature;a sore

Слайд 7Solve the Puzzle ‘’Health”
1 A pain in the Head.
2 A part

of body that helps us to see the world.
3 We breath it in and breath it out.
4 A doctor listens to your heart and … .
5 When you have a running nose and a cough you also have a … .
6 A place where we get medical help .
Solve the Puzzle ‘’Health” 1 A pain in the Head.2 A part of body that helps us

Слайд 8And now let’s talk us about healthy way of life.
And now

let’s talk us about healthy way of life.
What must we do to be healthy and strong?
We must have medical checks regularly.
We must … .
(eat healthy food; do morning exercises; spend more time in the fresh air; visit doctors;
keep warm ,if it is cold; wash hand before eating; sleep 8 hours a day. )
And now let’s talk us about healthy way of life. And now let’s talk us about healthy

Слайд 9Look at the screen, read the text.
Last Sunday morning Ronald took

part in the football match. It was rather cold. The weather was not fine at all. And it even started to rain. When Ronald came home he had a terrible headache and a red throat. Mother called the doctor. The temperature was high. Doctor said: Ronald is really ill!
He is running a high temperature. He is sneezing and coughing now. I am going to prescribe some medicine. Ronald should stay in bed for three days at least. He will be much better soon.
Find and read the sentences to describe
• The weather
• Ronald’s illness
• What the doctor did when she came
• What the doctor asked Ronald to do

Look at the screen, read the text. Last Sunday morning Ronald took part in the football match.

Слайд 10Good Food for Good Life
We need good food for good

life. Good food has a lot of vitamins, proteins (белки) and minerals. They are in vegetables, fruits, bread, milk, meat, fish and porridge. These things help to make your bones and teeth strong. They make your body strong and healthy. It’s important to eat enough – not too much and not too little. Too much food makes you fat. Too little food makes you weak.

Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? (Верны ли утверждения?)
1. We need bad food for good life. (Нам нужна плохая еда для хорошего здоровья)
2. We need little vitamins. (Нам нужно мало витаминов)
3. It’s important to eat much. (Важно много есть)
4. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. (Минералы делают твои кости и зубы крепкими)
5. Vitamins, proteins, minerals make you healthy. (Витамины, белки, минералы делают тебя здоровым)
6. All foods are good for you. (Вся еда полезна)
7. Fruit and vegetables are full of sugar and fat. (Фрукты и овощи полны сахара и жиров)
8. You should eat a variety of foods to stay healthy and grow big and strong. (Тебе стоит есть разнообразную пищу. Чтобы оставаться здоровым и расти большим и сильным)
Good Food for Good Life We need good food for good life. Good food has a lot

Слайд 11The Top Ten Rules.
I. Breakfast. Always start the day with a good

II. Three Meals. Always eat three meals a day.
III. Diet. Eat well! Eat lot of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish and
chicken. Don’t eat a lot of meat. Never eat fried food. Don't
put sugar in your tea or coffee.
IV. Alcohol. Don`t drink a lot of alcohol.
V. Coffee. Don't drink a lot of coffee.
VI. Cigarettes. Every cigarette you smoke shorters your life.
VII. Social Life. Peoples with a good social life live longer. Married
people usually live a long life. Don't stay at home ! Go out!
Get married!
VIII. Exercise. Do exercise or sport to live longer.
IX. Sleep. Sleep seven or eight hours a day.
X. Stress. Stress kills! Don't worry! Relax!

The Top Ten Rules. I.	Breakfast. Always start the day with a good breakfast.II.	Three Meals. Always eat three

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