Презентация, доклад по английскому языку 6 класс


Слайд 1What comes down, but never goes up

What comes down, but never goes up

Слайд 3What can you hear but not see?

What can you hear but not see?

Слайд 5It’s blue by night By the day it is white, It’s cold and

not dry, It falls just from the sky
It’s blue by night By the day it is white, It’s cold and not dry, It falls

Слайд 7A house full, a hole full, and you cannot gather a

bowl full.
A house full, a hole full, and you cannot gather a bowl full.

Слайд 8Fog / Smoke. – Туман / Дым.  

Fog / Smoke. – Туман / Дым.  

Слайд 9It is sunny. It is hot. It is windy. It is

cold. It's warm today. Yes, what a lovely day! It's cold today. Yes, what a terrible day!
It is sunny. It is hot.  It is windy. It is cold.  It's warm today.

Слайд 10Weather.


Слайд 11what are we going talking about?

what are we going talking about?

Слайд 12We are going to talk about the weather.

We are going to talk about the weather.

Слайд 13What is the topic of our lesson?

What is the topic of our lesson?

Слайд 14Whether the weather be fine,
Or whether the weather be not,
Whether the

weather be hot,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll whether the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

Whether the weather be fine,Or whether the weather be not,Whether the weather be hot,Or whether the weather

Слайд 16The temperature is … / It is …above / below zero.

The temperature is … / It is …above / below zero.

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