Презентация, доклад по английскому языку 2 курс по теме Субкультуры:за и против. The Goths

The Goth is somebody, who has strange lifestyle and interesting in death.

Слайд 1The Goths
Шаманская Анастасия Сергеевна
Преподаватель английского языка

The GothsРазработалаШаманская Анастасия СергеевнаПреподаватель английского языкаГБПОУ ИО ЗЖДТ

Слайд 2The Goth is somebody, who has strange lifestyle and interesting in

The Goth is somebody, who has strange lifestyle and interesting in death.

Слайд 3The name “Goths” came from the neogotic period of literature. It’s

atmosphere of mistery and stories about Dracula and Frankenstein.
The name “Goths” came from the neogotic period of literature. It’s atmosphere of mistery and stories about

Слайд 4They have a very interesting style: swept black hear, white skin,

bright make-up and clothes in black colors.
They have a very interesting style: swept black hear, white skin, bright make-up and clothes in black

Слайд 5The Goths are not funny, but there are many anecdotes about

The Goths are not funny, but there are many anecdotes about them.

Слайд 6They don’t like any animals, and sacrifice them in time of

They don’t like any animals, and sacrifice them in time of ceremony

Слайд 7 To sum it up, the Goths are very popular in

now days. Their lifestyle, music and make-up are very interesting for teenagers
To sum it up, the Goths are very popular in now days. Their lifestyle, music and

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