Презентация, доклад по английскому языку

The Rules of the DebatesWork as a team and always support each other.Listen to your opponents carefully.Make notes while your opponents are speaking to keep track of their ideas.Try to answer your opponents’ questions giving reasons

Слайд 1Debate: What is better for holidays – active or passive activities?

The rest must be active, full of adventures, activities, moving.
2. Our holiday must be passive, relaxing, with fewer movements.
Lesson objectives:
-using your listening and speaking skills you should make the Jury believe that the position of the team presented is more convincing

Debate: What is better for holidays – active or passive activities?Definitions:1. The rest must be active, full

Слайд 2The Rules of the Debates

Work as a team and always support

each other.
Listen to your opponents carefully.
Make notes while your opponents are speaking to keep track of their ideas.
Try to answer your opponents’ questions giving reasons for your opinion.
Be polite and disciplined during the debate.
Never interrupt each other.
Don’t speak longer than the set time limit
The Rules of the DebatesWork as a team and always support each other.Listen to your opponents carefully.Make

Слайд 3Assessment criteria
Grammar literacy

Assessment criteriaCompletenessLogicality Emotionality CreativityGrammar literacyPronunciation

Слайд 4Finish the statement
Travelling is an activity which requires…
Calm relax assists…
Extreme holidays

are suitable for…
For complete relax a man needs…
The choice of the kind of rest depends on…
Finish the statementTravelling is an activity which requires…Calm relax assists…Extreme holidays are suitable for…For complete relax a

Слайд 5“No one realizes how beautiful is to travel until he comes

home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.”
“No one realizes how beautiful is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on

Слайд 6I succeeded in...
I want to improve my ...
I succeeded

I succeeded in... I want to improve my ... I succeeded in...

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