Презентация, доклад по английскому языку

Rate-of-climb indicator is an aircraft instrument that provides an indication of the vertical speed.

Слайд 1Rate-of-climb indicator

Rate-of-climb indicator

Слайд 2
Rate-of-climb indicator is an aircraft instrument that provides an indication of the vertical speed.

Rate-of-climb indicator is an aircraft instrument that provides an indication of the vertical speed.

Слайд 3
Rate-of-climb indicator operates on principle of measuring the air pressure

change. Main part of indicator is the diaphragm, mounted in the airtight instrument case.
Rate-of-climb indicator operates on principle of measuring the air pressure change. Main part of indicator is

Слайд 4Knowing the speed of ascent or descent is useful for the

pilot, he can set the speed of climb or descent which, in combination with his speed, will tell him when and at what height he will reach the target value.
Knowing the speed of ascent or descent is useful for the pilot, he can set the speed

Слайд 5Errors and Limitations
Turbulence The vertical speed indicator is inaccurate during turbulence and

when maneuvering abruptly.
Static Port Blockage If a static port becomes blocked, similar to an altimeter, the vertical speed indicator will indicate '0' and no change will be witnessed with either a climb or a descent. 
Errors and Limitations Turbulence The vertical speed indicator is inaccurate during turbulence and when maneuvering abruptly.Static Port

Слайд 6
Rate-of-climb indicators of helicopter Mi-8

Rate-of-climb indicators of helicopter Mi-8

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