Презентация, доклад по английскому кому языку на тему Superstitions ( 9кл)

Black catLucky to meet a black cat.

Слайд 1superstitions
Margarita Karpova form 9A

superstitionsMargarita Karpova form 9A

Слайд 2Black cat
Lucky to meet a black cat.

Black catLucky to meet a black cat.

Слайд 3scissors
If you put a pair of scissors under the pillow, you

get rid of nightmares.
scissorsIf you put a pair of scissors under the pillow, you get rid of nightmares.

Слайд 4White heather
White Heather brings good luck

White heatherWhite Heather brings good luck

Слайд 6Owls
English people believe that owls swoop down to devour the souls

of the dying people.

OwlsEnglish people believe that owls swoop down to devour the souls of the dying people.

Слайд 7An owl doesn’t steal your soul, If you turn the pockets

inside out.
An owl doesn’t steal your soul, If you turn the pockets inside out.

Слайд 8Wedding
Married in white, you have chosen right; married in black, you’ll

wish yourself back.

WeddingMarried in white, you have chosen right; married in black, you’ll wish yourself back.

Слайд 9snail
If you catch a snail at Halloween night and lock it

into a flat dish, in the morning you will see the first letter of your sweetheart written in the snail's slime.

snailIf you catch a snail at Halloween night and lock it into a flat dish, in the

Слайд 10Bones of a black cat
The bones of a black cat can

grant wishes or make a man invisible.
Bones of a black catThe bones of a black cat can grant wishes or make a man

Слайд 11thank you for your attention!

thank you for your attention!

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