Презентация, доклад по англ. языку Interesting Places In Scotland

When we hear about Scotland, beautiful landscapes, harsh medieval castles, famous Scottish whiskeys and, of course, bagpipes and kilts immediately come to mind. Until the 18th century, Scotland was a separate kingdom. Scotland is currently part

Слайд 1Interesting places in Scotland
Выполнила Каташева А.В.,
учитель английского языка
МАОУ «Видновской

СОШ №11»
Interesting places in ScotlandВыполнила Каташева А.В., учитель английского языка МАОУ «Видновской СОШ №11»

Слайд 2When we hear about Scotland, beautiful landscapes, harsh medieval castles, famous

Scottish whiskeys and, of course, bagpipes and kilts immediately come to mind. Until the 18th century, Scotland was a separate kingdom. Scotland is currently part of the UK. Very often the question arises of what the Scots have more, similarities or differences with the British. Scotland is very different from England and Ireland. The territory of this country has approximately 790 islands, it is an amazing fact that 130 of these islands are considered uninhabited. The symbol of Scotland is a unicorn - a mythical animal that symbolizes wisdom, spiritual purity and happiness. All these qualities are very close to the whole Scottish people.
When we hear about Scotland, beautiful landscapes, harsh medieval castles, famous Scottish whiskeys and, of course, bagpipes

Слайд 3 Famous places in Scotland

capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, like Rome, is located on 7 hills. This city has a huge number of architectural buildings. Under the streets of the capital are underground chambers called Edinburgh Vaults. It is believed that in these places there are ghosts. It is especially scary at night, when the city lets go of most paranormal ghosts and ghouls from prison to walk around the Old Town.
The largest congestions of evil spirits can be seen in Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle. This is where you can “have fun” to celebrate Halloween, go to the cemetery and see the ancient gallows. And a private guide dressed up in one of thematic costumes can tell you about murders, tortures, witches, body - kidnappers and ghosts at your request. And who knows what you will encounter while visiting cemeteries and walking around the night city.
Famous places in ScotlandThe capital of Scotland, Edinburgh, like Rome,

Слайд 4 Loch-Ness


Loch Ness is a large deep freshwater lake in Scotland, stretching 36 km southwest of Inverness. The lake is widely known in the world thanks to the legend of the Loch Ness monster. There is a legend that says about the sea monster, which has been there since the 6th century.
Loch Ness is the largest body of water throughout the Great Glen Fracture, running from north to south from Inverness to Fort William. The lake is part of the Caledonian Canal, connecting the western and eastern coasts of Scotland.

Loch Ness, like many other lakes in this part of Scotland, is of glacial origin. The lake is quite long and deep, while its water is very muddy, due to the high content of peat in the ground.

Loch Ness is the second largest water surface among the lakes of Scotland: it is 56 km². At the same time, it takes the first place in the volume of water, since it is deeper than other lakes.

Loch-Ness lakeLoch Ness is a large deep

Слайд 5 Scottish Cultural Heritage

great influence on the culture of Scotland had the Norwegians. They captured many small islands in this country in the 19th century before conquering the main British island. For the Scandinavians, Scotland is an important part of the trade route, stretching from Newfoundland (North America) to Baghdad (Asia).
Scotland's amazing, magical musical instrument is the bagpipe. Bagpipe, is the national musical instrument of this country, but got there from Asia. An interesting fact is that for a very long time the bagpipe was banned in the British Kingdom.
The average life expectancy of Scots is around 95 years. The population of this country prefer a quiet lifestyle and closer to nature. Of the 5 million people in Scotland, half prefer to live away from the hustle and bustle - in the countryside enjoying amazing nature.
They almost never wear their famous men's skirts (kilts) in everyday life. Dress a kilt on holidays or for weddings. The ornament of the kilt and its color is a family and protected sign.
Scottish Cultural HeritageA great influence on the culture of

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