Презентация, доклад по ангийсскому языку ''Қазақстандағы музейлер'' (8 класс)

Checking up the home taskMuseum- Galleries- National- Admire- Illustrate-

Слайд 1The 5th of February, Friday
Theme:“Museums in Kazakhstan ”

The 5th of February, FridayTheme:“Museums in Kazakhstan ”

Слайд 2Checking up the home task

Galleries- National- Admire- Illustrate- Masterpiece- Exhibition- Exhibit- Ancient- Established- Founded- Surroundings- Heritage- Instrument- Landmark-
Checking up the home taskMuseum-            Galleries-

Слайд 3Answer the questions: 1. Have you ever been in Museum? 2. What have

you seen there? 3. What Museums in Kazakhstan do you know? 4. What Museums will you recommend to visit?
Answer the questions:  1. Have you ever been in Museum? 2. What have you seen there?

Слайд 4Listen to the audio about
museums of Kazakhstan

Listen to the audio about museums of Kazakhstan

Слайд 5Reflection Watching a video

Reflection Watching a video

Слайд 6The box of knowledge

The box of knowledge

Слайд 7Past Perfect Continuous FORM {had + been + Ving}
Her eyes were red. It

was clear she had been crying.
It was wet there. It had been raining all day.
Omar looked tired. He had been waiting her for two hours.
Past Perfect Continuous FORM {had + been + Ving}Examples:Her eyes were red. It was clear she had

Слайд 8Make up sentences use the Past Perfect Tense
I (do) my homework.

(see) this film.
They (buy) a new car.
She (leave) for London.
You (meet)my friend?
He (send) a letter?
We (not be) to Moscow.
Make up sentences use the Past Perfect TenseI (do) my homework.He (see) this film.They (buy) a new

Слайд 9«make a poster»

«make a poster»

Слайд 10Homework:
Prepare presentation of our village’s museum

Homework:Prepare presentation of our village’s museum

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