Презентация, доклад на районный конкурс спикеров В любой профессии дисциплина важнее таланта

"Speaker’s contest“ Speaker: Roman Sagalakov 11 grade school № 133 Teacher: Olga Alexandrovna Nosyreva Krasnoyarsk 2018

Слайд 1In any occupation discipline is much more important than talent.

In any occupation discipline is much more important than talent.

Слайд 2"Speaker’s contest“

Speaker: Roman Sagalakov

11 grade
school № 133


Olga Alexandrovna Nosyreva

Krasnoyarsk 2018

Слайд 4Once our team did the project
And above all we had Vasya

Once our team did the projectAnd above all we had Vasya !

Слайд 5The question is, what is more important discipline or talent?

The question is, what is more important discipline or talent?

Слайд 6In any occupation discipline is much more important than talent.

In any occupation discipline is much more important than talent.

Слайд 7I try to be responsible and disciplined. I always try to

do my best at school.
I try to be responsible and disciplined. I always try to do my best at school.

Слайд 8I can work in a team and cooperate with other people

very well.
I can work in a team and cooperate with other people very well.

Слайд 9I hope that hard work and discipline will help me become

a good specialist in the future.

My motto is an English proverb: «Diligence is the mother of success».

I hope that hard work and discipline will help me become a good specialist in the future.

Слайд 10Talent is a gift from God. But it should be constantly

developed through hard work and discipline.
Talent is a gift from God. But it should be constantly developed through hard work and discipline.

Слайд 11 «Success is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration»
Thomas Edison

«Success is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration»    Thomas Edison

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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