Презентация, доклад на английском языке Знатные люди Верхнеудинска

The tasksTo visit the Museum after ObruchevTo choose and learn the necessary literatureTo translate the material in the Russian languageHypothesis: the merchants of Verhneudinsk constantly improving and taking care of prosperity and flourishing of the city.

Слайд 1The distinguished people of Verhneudinsk

The distinguished people of Verhneudinsk

Слайд 2The tasks
To visit the Museum after Obruchev
To choose and learn the

necessary literature
To translate the material in the Russian language

Hypothesis: the merchants of Verhneudinsk constantly improving and taking care of prosperity and flourishing of the city.

The main purpose of the research To learn the biography of well-known people of Verhneudinsk and their investment in the development of the city.

The tasksTo visit the Museum after ObruchevTo choose and learn the necessary literatureTo translate the material in

Слайд 3Charity – благотворительность
Merchant – купец
Will -

To trade - торговать
To donate – дарить, жертвовать
Mayor –городской голова
Chapel - часовня
Floating bridge - плотина
Bishop - епископ
Hereditary - потомственный
Footwear – готовая одежда
Guardian - попечитель
Storehouse - склад
Asylum - приют
Wholesale – оптовая торговля
Retail – розничная продажа


Charity – благотворительность Merchant – купец    Will - завещаниеTo trade - торговатьTo donate –

Слайд 4Nemchinov Yakov Andreevich

Nemchinov Yakov Andreevich

Слайд 5The house of Nemchinov Y.A.

The house of Nemchinov Y.A.

Слайд 6The stone chapel

The stone chapel

Слайд 7Vtorov Alexander Fyodorovich (1841-1911)

Vtorov Alexander Fyodorovich  (1841-1911)

Слайд 8The retail shop of Vtorov

The retail shop of Vtorov

Слайд 11The house of Vtorov in Irkutsk

The house of Vtorov in Irkutsk

Слайд 12The Vtorov´s shop in Ekaterinbourg

The Vtorov´s shop in Ekaterinbourg

Слайд 13The Passage of Vtorov

The Passage of Vtorov

Слайд 14 The grave of A.F. Vtorov

The grave of A.F. Vtorov

Слайд 15Kurbatov Mitrofan Kuzmich
Дом в г.Улан-Удэ

Kurbatov Mitrofan Kuzmich Дом в г.Улан-Удэ

Слайд 16The house of merchant M.K. Kurbatov

The house of merchant M.K. Kurbatov

Слайд 17Goldobin Ivan Flegontovich

Goldobin Ivan Flegontovich

Слайд 18The first Orthodox – Parish school was built in Ganzurino in

1904 by the I.F. kurbatov
The first Orthodox – Parish school was built in Ganzurino in 1904 by the I.F. kurbatov

Слайд 19 Tsarevich Nikolai in the house of Goldobin N.I.

Tsarevich Nikolai in the house of Goldobin N.I.

Слайд 21
The tsarevich Nikolai with the priests of Bouriatia

The tsarevich Nikolai with the priests of Bouriatia

Слайд 22The merchant of the first guild Goldobin bought house in the

center of the city

of prosperity and flourishing of the city.

The merchant of the first guild Goldobin bought house in the center of the cityof prosperity and

Слайд 23Goldobina (Kukel) Elizavetta Ivanovna

Goldobina (Kukel) Elizavetta Ivanovna

Слайд 25 I hope that our generation will take care of prosperity and

flourishing of Ulan-Ude too.
I hope that our generation will take care of prosperity and flourishing

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