Презентация, доклад на английском языке The ILMENSKY FESTIVAL

What do you know about the Ilmensky festival of authors’ song?

Слайд 1Supplementary lesson: «ILMENSKY FESTIVAL of authors’ song»
The presentation was done
by the

teacher of English
«School No7»
Miass, Chelyabinsk region
Sharonova Irina Andreyevna

Supplementary lesson: «ILMENSKY FESTIVAL  of authors’ song»The presentation was done by the teacher of English

Слайд 2What do you know about the Ilmensky festival of authors’ song?

What do you know about the Ilmensky festival of authors’ song?

The ILMEN Festival Of Authors’ Song.

festival of the authors’ song («ILMENY», «ILMENKA») —being held every year since  1973 at the beginning of summer,usually on the second or third weekends in June ( 2014 — on the third weekend: 13—15 of June) on the bank of ILMENSKIY lakein the town of Miass Chelyabinsk region.
It was banned from1983 to 1986.
In  1989-1990 the festival was organized on the bank of Lake Morskaly in 20 kilometers from Miass.
In 2015-2017 the festival took place on the territory of the Ski resort “Solnechnaya dolina » on the bank of the Syrostan River in 15 kilometers from Miass.
«THE ILMEN FESTIVAL OF AUTHORS” SONG»The ILMEN Festival Of Authors’ Song.The festival of the authors’ song («ILMENY»,

Слайд 4The «Author song» or   «bard music» 
What do the terms «author song»

and «bard music» mean?
The «Author song» or   «bard music»  What do the terms «author song» and «bard music» mean?

Слайд 5«The Authors’ Song or The Bards’ music»
The song genre,appeared in the

middle of the XX century in different countries. Its distinguishing peculiarities were the combination in one person the author of the music and the text and its performer, the guitar accompaniment, the priority was given to the text not to music.»
«The Authors’ Song or The Bards’ music»The song genre,appeared in the middle of the XX century in

Слайд 6«Festival».
«What does it mean? “

«Festival».«What does it mean? “

Слайд 7«The FESTIVAL».
Festival (comes from the french term  festival , from the

latin term festivus —holiday) — public holiday, a show of achievements in musical, theatrical, variety, circus and cinema art.
«The FESTIVAL». Festival (comes from the french term  festival , from the latin term festivus —holiday) — public holiday, a

Слайд 8The history of the «ILMENKY»
The first regional competition of the performers

of the tourist song,held on 19-20 of May 1973, gathered about 800 participants from seven towns. Now the festival gather from 10 to 20 thousand (including people coming for a short time, — to 40 thousand) participants from Russia, nearest and far countries abroad.
Famous bards Yuriy Visbor, Alexander Gorodnitsiy, Galina Khomchik, Oleg Mityaev, Sergey Trofimov  were the participants, members of the judgers and guests of the festival. Many of the well known authors and performers are very much obliged to the “ILMENKY”.
In the program of the festival competitive concerts are held. The competition is held in tree groups: the main group (older than 18 years). “Our successors” (14-18 years) «Young tourists sing” (younger 14years).There are three concert stages at the festival: the Main, the Forest and the Children.
The author of the emblem of the ILMENSKY FESTIVAL is the artist Leonid Matkin.
The history of the «ILMENKY»The first regional competition of the performers of the tourist song,held on 19-20

Слайд 9«Как здорово, что все мы здесь сегодня собрались»=«It’s splendidly that all

of us meet here and today».

The song of the Chelyabinsk bard Oleg Mityaev «It’s splendidly that all of us meet here and today» became the Symbol of «ILMENKY». It was written and performed for the first time in 1978 at the «ILMENKY».
This song is an unofficial hymn/ symbol of the Author song movement in Russia.

«Как здорово, что все мы здесь сегодня собрались»=«It’s splendidly that all of us meet here and today».The

Слайд 10«The Spirit of the“ILMENKY”
Clean air and water, mountains and forests,

good humour will impress you greatly and you’ll remember it for a long time if you come to the “ILMENKA”.
The Honorific actor of Russia Yuriy Galtsev said:“Today I am at the ILMENSKY Festival for the first time. Oleg Mityaev invited me. And I’m lucky to come here. The spirit of the festival is very friendly and even at the rehearsal the guests have met performers warmly and applauded loudly. We are sure they’ll like the concert very much”.
«The Spirit of the“ILMENKY” Clean air and water, mountains and forests, good humour will impress you greatly

Слайд 11The «ILMENKA» is the brand of the South Ural»

Festival of the authors’ song became one of the brands of the South Ural long ago. For many years it is held under the support of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. Except the traditional events of the festival –the ILMENSKY show of stars, art-exercises, concerts the organizers of the festival set up special prizes and awards. The order and safeness is kept by the people from the special organization. The delivery of the water and firewood is organized by the organization committee.
The «ILMENKA» is the brand of the South Ural» The ILMENSKY Festival of the authors’ song became

Слайд 12Contacts
The address of the site of the ILMENSKY FESTIVAL — ilmeny.org
The address of

the page of the ILMENSKY FESTIVAL “In Contact” https://vk.com/ilmenka
ContactsThe address of the site of the ILMENSKY FESTIVAL — ilmeny.orgThe address of the page of the ILMENSKY FESTIVAL

Слайд 13Let’s set up result of our conversation:  
Finish the sentence:

Today I have learnt ….
From the conversation I got… .
I made the conclusions …
Let’s set up result of our conversation:   Finish the sentence: Today I have learnt ….From the

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