Презентация, доклад на Английском языке: Social workers.

Social workers help people to overcome their problems and make their lives better.

Слайд 1Social workers

Social workers

Слайд 2Social workers help people to overcome their problems and make their

lives better.
Social workers help people to overcome their problems and make their lives better.

Слайд 4Some social workers might focus on child abuse, poverty, violence, or

other problems.
Some social workers might focus on child abuse, poverty, violence, or other problems.

Слайд 5Many social workers give counselling. They talk to people about their

lives and help them to understand and solve their problems and to make their plans.
Many social workers give counselling. They talk to people about their lives and help them to understand

Слайд 6There are 3 main types of social workers:

There are 3 main types of social workers:

Слайд 7Child, family and school workers

Child, family and school workers

Слайд 8Family Social Workers

Family Social Workers

Слайд 9Medical and public health social workers

Medical and public health social workers

Слайд 10Medical Social Workers

Medical Social Workers

Слайд 12Mental health and substance abuse social workers

Mental health and substance abuse social workers

Слайд 15Nearly all social workers go to college. In college, they learn

different ways to help people.
Nearly all social workers go to college. In college, they learn different ways to help people.

Слайд 17To be good social worker you should be:

To be good social worker you should be:

Слайд 19Many social workers like their work. I know that it’s hard

to deal with people who are upset or having trouble, especially if you have problems by yourself. Sometimes, social workers are very busy because they are helping many people at once. But I still think that without this profession there won’t be a good in the world.
Many social workers like their work. I know that it’s hard to deal with people who are

Слайд 20The End

The End

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