Презентация, доклад на английском языке по творческой работепо теме Экология

Overpopulation of the Planet

Слайд 1Ecological Problems of Humanity
Made by a pupil of 9B class

Ecological Problems of HumanityMade by a pupil of 9B class Saibel Aleksandra

Слайд 2 Overpopulation of the Planet

Overpopulation of the Planet

Слайд 3A huge number
Mankind today percives his enormous strength as normal, assuming

that people with all its numbers and all its vital functions do not harm the ecosystem of the planet, and that people continue to improve their strength, and that it supposedly has no impact on the environment, animal and plant the world and the life of humanity. But in fact, today, right now humanity has passed all bounds and features which could suffer the planet. The Earth can not sustain such a huge number of people.
A huge numberMankind today percives his enormous strength as normal, assuming that people with all its numbers

Слайд 4Scientists Estimate

According to the calculations of scientists, 500 thousand - this

is the maximum permissible number of people on our planet. Today, this figure exceeded the limit by 12 times, and according to the forecasts of scientists by 2100 could increase almost the half. In this modern human population of the Earth for the most part do not even think about what kind of global harm carries the further growth of the number of people.
Scientists EstimateAccording to the calculations of scientists, 500 thousand - this is the maximum permissible number of

Слайд 5Other problems…
Growth in the number of people - this increase in

the use of natural resources, the growth of areas under agricultural and industrial needs, the growth of harmful emissions, increase in the number of domestic waste and the areas under their warehousing, the growth rate of human expansion into the nature and growth of the intensity of the destruction of the natural biodiversity.
Other problems…Growth in the number of people - this increase in the use of natural resources, the

Слайд 6Mankind today is simply obliged to restrain its growth, reconsider its

role in the ecological system of the planet, and to take up the construction of human civilization on the basis of friendly and meaningful existence and not on the basis of animal breeding and instincts of the absorption.
Mankind today is simply obliged to restrain its growth, reconsider its role in the ecological system of

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