Презентация, доклад на английском языке Останкинская телебашня

Purpose OF THE PROJECT:Learn how to build a towerLearn the purpose of the Ostankino TV towerLearn to work in a teamTASKS:GATHERING INFORMATIONSTUDYING MATERIALS PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF SLIDE SHOW

Слайд 150 years of the Ostankino TV tower: past, present, future
Educational Department

of Moscow Private Educational Organization Secondary School of General Education «Academic Gymnasia»

Prepared by: Selin Maxim and Stankevich Daniil
Students of 2B form

Tutor: Glazunova T.B.

Moscow 2017

50 years of the Ostankino TV tower: past, present, futureEducational Department of Moscow  Private Educational Organization

Слайд 2Purpose OF THE PROJECT:
Learn how to build a tower
Learn the purpose

of the Ostankino TV tower
Learn to work in a team


Purpose OF THE PROJECT:Learn how to build a towerLearn the purpose of the Ostankino TV towerLearn to

Ostankino TV

tower was designed by the famous architect
Nikolai Nikitin.
He came up with a project in one night.
Tower is like an upside down Lily flower.

The tower was constructed in 1967.
This year the Ostankino tower is 50 years old!

The height of the Ostankino TV tower - 540 meters

THE HISTORY OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE OSTANKINO TV TOWEROstankino TV tower was designed by the famous

Слайд 4Конструкция Останкинской телебашни

At the bottom of the tower there are 44

floors. Here there are antennas and radio stations.

Near the top there is
a restaurant, a café and an observation deck.

At the top there is the Russian flag
and a metal lightning rod.

Конструкция Останкинской телебашниAt the bottom of the tower there are 44 floors. Here there are antennas and

Слайд 5The purpose of the Ostankino TV tower
The main purpose of the

tower – broadcast television and radio programs.

The weather station is on the Ostankino tower .
It helps scientists to observe the weather

The purpose of the Ostankino TV towerThe main purpose of the tower – broadcast television and radio

Слайд 6The purpose of the Ostankino TV tower
The Ostankino tower – the

symbol of Moscow and Russian television.
10 million people visited it.
And our the 2 ‘C’ class too!

In good weather from the lookout
you get a panoramic view of Moscow

On the lookout
there is a glass floor.

It can withstand
the weight of 10 tons.

The purpose of the Ostankino TV towerThe Ostankino tower – the symbol of Moscow and Russian television.

Слайд 7Interesting facts about Ostankino TV tower
Ostankino TV tower became the second

one in Moscow.
The first one was the Shukhov TV tower.

First, the Ostankino TV tower was the highest in the world.
And now it ranks the 4th place among all TV towers.

Interesting facts about Ostankino TV towerOstankino TV tower became the second one in Moscow. The first one

Слайд 8The Ostankino tower is very sturdy.
It can withstand an earthquake.

It is not afraid of lightning.

Interesting facts about Ostankino Tower

On the 27 of August 2000 the tower was burning .
TV channels didn’t work for a week.
One milliard rubles were spent to repair the tower .

The Ostankino tower is very sturdy. It can withstand an earthquake. It is not afraid of lightning.

Слайд 9Interesting facts about Ostankino Tower

Step races and parashute jumps are often

held in the Ostankino Tower.

A World record was set in 2004. 30 people
jumped from the Tower at once.

Interesting facts about Ostankino TowerStep races and parashute jumps are often held in the Ostankino Tower.A World

Слайд 10Interesting facts about Ostankino Tower

A light show “Circle of light” was

shown in 2006. After that it was decided to highlight the Tower all the time. Every evening we can see the light pictures on it.
Interesting facts about Ostankino TowerA light show “Circle of light” was shown in 2006. After that it

Слайд 11Список использованных источников
Никитин Н.В. Останкинская телевизионная башня. – Москва, 1972

Электронный ресурс

журнала «Наука и жизнь» за 1966 год

Журнал «Дилетан» - август, 2015

Официальный сайт Останкинской телебашни tvtower.ru

Электронный журнал «Вокруг света» – август, 2005

Электронная энциклопедия Википедия

Электронный сайт Российского Информационного агентства
Новости https://ria.ru/spravka/20100827/268775225.html

Список использованных источниковНикитин Н.В. Останкинская телевизионная башня. – Москва, 1972Электронный ресурс журнала «Наука и жизнь» за 1966

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