Презентация, доклад на Английском языке: Lies in Mass Media

What is mass media

Слайд 1Lies in mass media
ГБПОУ ТК № 34 Вареник С.С.

Lies in mass mediaГБПОУ ТК № 34 Вареник С.С.

Слайд 2What is mass media

What is mass media

Слайд 4Of mass media

Of mass media

Слайд 5Influence of mass media

Influence of mass media

Слайд 6Trustworthiness of mass media.

Trustworthiness of mass media.

Слайд 7To the sun and back in 18 hours
Nope, just lies

To the sun and back in 18 hoursMagic?Nope, just lies

Слайд 8Bigfoot mass media hoax

Bigfoot mass media hoax

Слайд 9Crash of the Malaysian Boeing

Crash of the Malaysian Boeing

Слайд 11The point of mass media lies

The point of mass media lies

Слайд 13What to do?
Critical thinking is our “save zone”
We should not believe

everything we told
What to do?Critical thinking is our “save zone”We should not believe everything we told

Слайд 14How does critical thinking works?

How does critical thinking works?

Слайд 15

Mass media
Is there a light side?

Mass mediaIs there a light side?

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