Презентация, доклад на Английском языке: Ecology in Moscow.

The main reason of bad ecology in Moscow is of the state of the atmosphere in our capital

Слайд 1Ecology in Moscow
ГБПОУ ТК №34 Вареник С.С.

Ecology in MoscowГБПОУ ТК №34 Вареник С.С.

Слайд 2The main reason of bad ecology in Moscow is of the

state of the atmosphere in our capital
The main reason of bad ecology in Moscow is of the state of the atmosphere in our

Слайд 3The main and permanent sources of air pollution are thermal power

plants, oil refinery and petrochemical industry, transportation and public utilities.

The main and permanent sources of air pollution are thermal power plants, oil refinery and petrochemical industry,

Слайд 4Experts consider Moscow to be an ecological disaster zone and 84%

of Muscovites - agree with them. This is especially noticeable after the departure of the city or to other regions. The air in Moscow is really heavy. It provides mixed additional 1,200 varieties of chemical compounds in addition to individual chemical elements.
Experts consider Moscow to be an ecological disaster zone and 84% of Muscovites - agree with them.

Слайд 5Environmental services, health care workers have already been saying, that to

live in Moscow, especially for children become dangerously.

Environmental services, health care workers have already been saying, that to live in Moscow, especially for children

Слайд 6Overall condition of green spaces of the city - and it's

obvious to everyone - in recent years it has deteriorated. The main culprit - Moscow toxic air, toxic vehicles. The worst ecology is in the center of Moscow.

Overall condition of green spaces of the city - and it's obvious to everyone - in recent

Слайд 7Planted on Tverskaya Street under Stalin times are in terrible condition.

Now Moscow moves to container gardening. It is more expensive, but the only possible today.

Planted on Tverskaya Street under Stalin times are in terrible condition. Now Moscow moves to container gardening.

Слайд 8The main enemy of the parks in Moscow are those "nature

lovers", who in restricted area bonfires, wash car in a recreation area. They dump rubbish in the woods and parks every day and everywhere.

The main enemy of the parks in Moscow are those

Слайд 9Not only dump waste, and for example, the body of the

car. Today the service "Moslesoparka" is spending on cleaning almost most of its budget, and the end - the edge of this work is not visible.
Not only dump waste, and for example, the body of the car. Today the service

Слайд 13We must believe fight it is possible with problems of ecology.

For example:
Dispose of garbage in the trash.
Less travel by car.
Plant trees and improve the environment of the city.
We must believe fight it is possible with problems of ecology. For example:Dispose of garbage in the

Слайд 14The End

The End

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