Презентация, доклад Мы сильны,когда едины (День народного Единства, 4 ноября)


Слайд 1Presentation
Презентация на тему «Мы сильны , когда едины»

МБОУ Лесногородская СОШ
Учитель :Лазарева

Ольга Николаевна
Ученик : Сикорский Максим « 5Г»
PresentationПрезентация на тему «Мы сильны , когда едины»МБОУ Лесногородская СОШУчитель :Лазарева Ольга НиколаевнаУченик : Сикорский Максим «



Слайд 3We must remember our History

We must remember our History

Слайд 4The Day of National Unity was established in memory of the

events of 1612, when the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Moscow from the Polish interventionists. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Russia in the 17th century. We need our country, each of us. Only together we are strength, only together we will overcome everything. The story is being created here and now, we are making history.

History of Russia tell us

The Day of National Unity was established in memory of the events of 1612, when the people's

Слайд 6Historical moments 1

Historical moments 1

Слайд 7Historical Moments 2

Historical Moments 2

Слайд 8Kuzma Zaharovich Minin

(late 16th century-May 21, 1616) - Kuzma Minin Zaharovich,

nicknamed "Suhoruk"-one of the liberators of the Fatherland from the Poles in 1612

Kuzma Zaharovich Minin(late 16th century-May 21, 1616) - Kuzma Minin Zaharovich, nicknamed

Слайд 9Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozarskij
Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozarskij (November 1, 1578-April 30, 1642)

was a Russian national hero, politician, head of the second Militia who liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders

Dmitry Mikhailovich PozarskijPrince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozarskij (November 1, 1578-April 30, 1642) was a Russian national hero, politician,

Слайд 10Monument of Minin and Pozharsky
Feat of this people reflected in the

work of Ivan Martos. Majestic views of the monument against the backdrop of graceful Cathedral of Basil blessed gives pride and peace of mind . For such creation feel real pride for that you go on the land on which these people were ...

Monument of Minin and PozharskyFeat of this people reflected in the work of Ivan Martos. Majestic views

Слайд 11Russian President Putin
President Vladimir Putin reestablished the holiday in order to

replace the commemoration of the October Revolution, known as the Day of Great October Socialist Revolution during Soviet period and as the Day of Accord and Conciliation in post-Soviet times,[which formerly took place on November 7. His decision angered some sections of the public, particularly the Communist Party, who continued with celebrations on November 7. Putin's predecessor, Boris Yeltsin took a limited action of changing the name of the holiday; by completely removing it, Putin initiated a controversy that continues today.
Russian President PutinPresident Vladimir Putin reestablished the holiday in order to replace the commemoration of the October

Слайд 12At the present time

At the present time

Слайд 13 The national flag of Russia

The national flag of Russia

Слайд 14Unity! Powerful! Success!

Unity! Powerful! Success!

Слайд 15We are strong and powerful!

We are strong and powerful!

Слайд 16Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

Слайд 17Используемые материалы:




Используемые материалы:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_Day_(Russia)https://themoscowtimes.com/photogalleries/russia-celebrates-national-unity-day-56017https://themoscowtimes.com/news/putin-trumpets-russian-moral-superiority-on-national-unity-day-41034https://yandex.ru/images/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monument_to_Minin_and_Pozharskyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pozharskyhttps://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=The+Unity+Day&title=Special:Search&profile=default&fulltext=1&searchToken=bdinumvs9v3bksfkya9ar4bcf

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