Презентация, доклад мини проекта по английскому языку South Korea

The official name of thecountry the Republic of Koreaor Korea.

Выполнила ученица
9 А класса Косолапова О.В.
МБОУ «Лицей «Политэк»»
г. Волгодонска
г. Волгодонск

SOUTH KOREAВыполнила ученица9 А класса Косолапова О.В.МБОУ «Лицей «Политэк»»г. Волгодонскаг. Волгодонск2016

Слайд 2The official name of the
country the Republic of Korea
or Korea.

The official name of thecountry the Republic of Koreaor Korea.

Слайд 3It occupies the southern part
of the Korean Peninsula. It
borders North

Korea. Its sea
borders are Japan and China.
It occupies the southern partof the Korean Peninsula. It borders North Korea. Its seaborders are Japan and

Слайд 6The population of South Korea
is about fifty million people.
The main

ethnic groups are
the Korean.
The population of South Korea is about fifty million people.The main ethnic groups arethe Korean.

Слайд 7The official language of
South Korea is Korean.
The official script is

The official language of South Korea is Korean.The official script is Hangul.

Слайд 8Main cities in South Korea are…

Main cities in South Korea are…

Слайд 9There are a lot of provincial villages in Korea.

There are a lot of provincial villages in Korea.

Слайд 10 Thank you for
your attention.

Thank you for your attention.

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