Презентация, доклад мастер-класса Твой путь к успеху по курсу английский язык 11 класс.

Consider your dream career? Would you like find your path in life and be successful? There is an old saying that if you’re trying to choose a career, you should think about what you would do

Слайд 1Департамент образования мэрии г. о. Тольятти Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение дополнительного профессионального

образования «Ресурсный центр» Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение городского округа Тольятти «Гимназия №9» Семинар «Комплексный подход к изучению иностранного языка в школе»

Секция 3 (учителя английского языка основной и старшей школы)
«Иностранный язык как средство профориентационной работы»

Мастер-класс «Твой путь к успеху»

Учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Гимназия №9»
Захарова Динара Рафаэльевна

Департамент образования мэрии г. о. Тольятти Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение дополнительного профессионального образования «Ресурсный центр» Муниципальное бюджетное

Слайд 2Consider your dream career?
Would you like find your path in

life and be successful?
There is an old saying that if you’re trying to choose a career, you should think about what you would do if you didn’t have to work.
Your answer to that question, while maybe not literally the best career choice for you, may give you insight into what choice you should do.

Consider your dream career? Would you like find your path in life and be successful? There is

Слайд 3Dream Career
Dream Career

Dream CareerDream Career

Слайд 4 ___ do a degree in fashion ___ set

up business on her own ___ carry a notebook around ___ have lots of Saturday jobs ___ show her designs at a trade show ___ have a glamorous lifestyle ___ earn less money than her friends ___ deal directly with large department stores ___ make clothes for her Cindy dolls Which thing does she NOT mention?

Dream Career

2. Lindsay Pressdee (the fashion designer in the third photo) has been running her own business since 1996. Listen to Lindsay and put the things she mentions in the correct order. She does NOT mention.

___ do a degree in fashion   ___ set up business on her own

Слайд 5 _5_ do a degree in fashion _4_ set

up business on her own _7_ carry a notebook around _6_ have lots of Saturday jobs _1_ show her designs at a trade show _x_ have a glamorous lifestyle _8_ earn less money than her friends _2_ deal directly with large department stores _3_ make clothes for her Cindy dolls She does she NOT mention ‘have a glamorous lifestyle’

Check yourself!

2. Lindsay Pressdee (the fashion designer in the third photo) has been running her own business since 1996. Listen to Lindsay and put the things she mentions in the correct order. She does NOT mention.

_5_ do a degree in fashion   _4_ set up business on her own

Слайд 6 3. Watch the film extract and check your answers. What

are the seven challenges of starting up your own business that Lindsay mentions? Put √.

__ It’s a hard business to break into.
__ Be prepared to work hard, it’s actually really hard work.
__ I had lots of Saturday jobs.
__ I end up spending four days a week on my own in the studio.
__ It actually can get quite lonely.
__ I take risks investing money.
__ I earn less money than my friends.
__ It requires loads of self-motivation.
__ I can suffer the failure.

3. Watch the film extract and check your answers. What are the seven challenges of starting

Слайд 7 3. Check yourself !
√ It’s a hard

business to break into.
√ Be prepared to work hard, it’s actually really hard work.
√ I had lots of Saturday jobs.
√ I end up spending four days a week on my own in the studio.
√ It actually can get quite lonely.
__ I take risks investing money.
√ I earn less money than my friends.
√ It requires loads of self-motivation.
__ I can suffer the failure.

3. Check yourself !  √  It’s a hard business to break into.√  Be

Слайд 8What is your opinion?
What are the disadvantages of working

for yourself rather than working for someone else?
What is your opinion?  What are the disadvantages of working for yourself rather than working for

Слайд 9Well-known successful business entrepreneurs

Well-known successful business entrepreneurs

Слайд 10What is your opinion?
What are the advantages of being

Do you know a person who has a dream career and who is successful?
What do you think are the secrets of succeeding in business?
What is your opinion?  What are the advantages of being self-employed?  Do you know a

Слайд 11The Secrets of Success

The Secrets of Success

Слайд 12a milliner someone whose job is to make or sell hats

web consultant someone who can provide a wide variety of services to businesses, from designing a web page to maintaining the activity that is generated by the site.
a quantity surveyor (QS) a person whose job is to calculate the cost of the materials and work needed for a particular building project; a construction industry professional with expert knowledge on construction costs and contracts;
a card maker a person who makes cards: wedding invitation cards, birthday party invitation cards, baby announcement cards, thank you cards, love cards etc.
street performers people who performs in front of an audience in city streets, for example actors, jugglers or musicians.
a takeaway owner a person who owns a restaurant or shop that delivers a meal that you buy in and take home to eat. The American word for ‘takeaway’ is ‘takeout’.
an Internet entrepreneur an owner, founder or manager of an Internet based business undertaking who makes money through risk and/or initiative.
a milliner someone whose job is to make or sell hatsa web consultant someone who can provide

Слайд 13You are going to hear seven people talking about their success

in business. Watch the film and identify who says the advice below.
You are going to hear seven people talking about their success in business.  Watch the film

Слайд 14Check your answers!

Check your answers!

Слайд 15Watch the film again and number the following quotes in the

order you hear them.
Watch the film again and number the following quotes in the order you hear them.

Слайд 16Check your answers!

Check your answers!

Слайд 17Having watched the film, can you remember the seven secrets of


1. Stay ……………..
2. Get some ……………………
3. Be your own ………………
4. Have a good ……………
5. Choose your ………………
6. Know your ……………..
7. Don’t ……………..

Having watched the film, can you remember  the seven secrets of success? 1. Stay

Слайд 18Having watched the film, can you remember the seven secrets of


1. Stay passionate!
2. Get some help.
3. Be your own boss.
4. Have a good idea
5. Choose your partner very carefully.
6. Know your customer.
7. Don’t give up!

Having watched the film, can you remember  the seven secrets of success? 1. Stay passionate!2. Get

Слайд 19What is your opinion?
What are the advantages

of being self-employed?
What is your opinion?  What are the advantages    of being self-employed?

Слайд 20Opinion Composition
Comment on the following statement.
Some people prefer to work

for themselves or own a business rather than working for someone else.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
make an introduction
express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
make a conclusion restating your position

Opinion Composition Comment on the following statement.Some people prefer to work for themselves or own a business

Слайд 21Opinion composition planner

Opinion composition planner

Слайд 22Opinion composition planner

Opinion composition planner

Слайд 23Opinion composition planner

Opinion composition planner

Слайд 24Well-known successful business entrepreneurs

Well-known successful business entrepreneurs

Слайд 25Take control of your life!

Take control of your life!

Слайд 26What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Слайд 27www.longman.com/totalenglish
Total English
Upper intermediate
Students’ Book
DVD film bank

www.longman.com/totalenglishTotal EnglishUpper intermediateStudents’ BookDVD film bank

Слайд 28
+7 909 363 0431
+7 964 966 2011 What’s App

dinarazakharova@mail.ru+7 909 363 0431+7 964 966 2011 What’s App

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