Презентация, доклад Как написать письмо неформального стиля.

Слайд 1How to write an informal letter

How to write an informal letter

Слайд 2


February 12th, 2012
Dear Steve,
Thank you for your recent letter. I’m awfully sorry for not writing to you earlier, I had so many tasks at school that I had very little free time.
You’ve written that you are also busy doing a project at school. I’ve always thought it might be interesting to know about reading habits of people all over the world.
You ask what books my family and I like reading. In general, Russian people are a reading nation and so we are. To be honest, I’m not reading much this year as I’m preparing for the final exams, but mostly I choose fantasy books. My mother enjoys reading detective stories while my father prefers historic literature.
I’m so glad for your sister. Pass my congratulations to her, please. Is her husband British? What does he do? Where do they live?
Write back soon.
Best wishes,

Informal letters

Слайд 3 Decide which of the following statements are True and which are

False when writing an informal letter. 1. You needn’t write the date at the end of the letter. 2. You need to have paragraphs in the letter. 3. You should avoid using contractions (don’t, can’t, etc.). 4. You should use phrasal verbs. 5. You needn’t ask questions in your letter. 6. Punctuation is important. 7. You need to write your name and surname at the end of the letter.

Decide which of the

Слайд 4 Choose the correct item from each list below.
1 B, 2

C/D, 3B, 4 A/D
Choose the correct item from each list below.1 B, 2 C/D, 3B, 4 A/D

Слайд 5Start a letter End

a letter
1. Give my love/regards to your parents.
2. Thanks very much for your letter.
3. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for ages.
4. Good luck with your exams!
5. Hope to see you soon.
6. I got your letter yesterday.
7. I must stop now and catch the post.
8. I’m looking forward to seeing you.
9. It seems a long time since I last wrote.
10. Keep in touch.
11. It was so nice to hear from you.
12. Say hallo to Laura.
13. Well, that’s enough for now.
14. I’m sorry I haven’t written for such a long time.
15. Write soon.
16. Drop me a line.

List the expressions under the two headings.

Start a letter: 2, 3, 6, 9, 11,14
End a letter: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16

Start a letter        End a letter1. Give my love/regards to

Слайд 6Put the words in the write order to make up questions.

like/ what/ you/ doing/ at school
when/ decide/ you/ did/ an actor/ to become
how/ parents/ your/ react/ did
what/ job/ first/ your/ was
what/ of/ books/ do/ kind/ like/ read/ to/ you

Put the words in the write order to make up questions. did/ like/ what/ you/ doing/ at

Слайд 7 Ask questions to the underlined words.
We live in the old town.

got married 20 years ago.
I play basketball best.
I like to wear big wooly pullovers.
I go to the cinema at least once a week.
The journey takes about 6 hours from here.
My best friend invited me to the party.

Ask questions to the underlined words. We live in the old town.I got married 20 years

Слайд 8A. Put Love , or Best wishes, and then put my

first name.
B. Put Dear and my pen friend’s first name, followed by a comma.
C. Write my address and the date.
D. Say good buy and tell my pen friend to write back.
E. Ask three questions to my pen friend.
F. Say hallo and thank my pen friend for the letter.
G. Answer my pen friend’s questions.

Put the parts of the letter in the write order.


A. Put Love , or Best wishes, and then put my first name.B. Put Dear and my

Слайд 9Литература
1. Spotlight 11/ О.В. Афанасьева, В. Эванс - изд. «Просвещение», 2010

2. New Snapshot/ Fran Linley, Brian Abbs – “Longman”, 2005.
Литература1. Spotlight 11/ О.В. Афанасьева, В. Эванс - изд. «Просвещение», 2010 .2. New Snapshot/ Fran Linley, Brian

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