Презентация, доклад к внеурочному мероприятию Австралия

Australia – fact file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Australia_by_populationAreaCapitalPopulationPolitical structureCurrencyNational symbolOfficial languages



Слайд 2Australia – fact file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Australia_by_population
Political structure
National symbol
Official languages

Australia – fact file: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Australia_by_populationAreaCapitalPopulationPolitical structureCurrencyNational symbolOfficial languages

Слайд 3
1 Canberra a.an

important learning center with 310000 population
2 Alice Springs b. the oldest city founded in 1804
3 Brisbane c. a large wine export center
4 Hobart d. population exceeds 1 million people
5 Perth e. the first European settlement with 3,5 mln people
6 Sydney f. the financial center of the nation
7. Melbourne g. the major sea port on the west coast
8. Adelaide h. connected with Adelaide by the railroad
1 Canberra        a.an important learning center with 310000 population2

Слайд 4Climate and Wildlife of Australia:
Fill in the gaps with the correct

word to make the sentence true. The tips are given in the brackets.
Winter comes in ________ in the Southern Hemisphere. ( month’s name)
Summer begins in __________ in Australia. (month’s name)
A lot of _________________ were taken to Australia as work animals in the 19th century. (kind of animal)
_______________ are the symbol of Australia because they don’t exist anywhere else in the world. (kind of animal)
The wild dogs called _____________ are in danger nowadays (animal’s name)
The biggest birds in the world called _____________ live here. (kind of bird)
_________ of Australia is colder than ______________. (parts of world)
Climate and Wildlife of Australia:Fill in the gaps with the correct word to make the sentence true.



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