Презентация, доклад к внеклассному мероприятию Christmas(8 класс)

The Church in Telma

Слайд 1Christmas in Telma
Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию в рамках недели иностранного языка

Christmas in TelmaПрезентация к внеклассному мероприятию в рамках недели иностранного языка

Слайд 2The Church in Telma

The Church in Telma

Слайд 3On Christmas there is a `scene of Nativity in front of

the church
On Christmas there is a `scene of Nativity in front of the church

Слайд 4The territory of the church is decorated with ice figures

The territory of the church is decorated with ice figures

Слайд 5In the day-time the ice figures play in the sun, shine,

become transparant – a blue sky peeps out through them
In the day-time the ice figures play in the sun, shine, become transparant – a blue sky

Слайд 6At night the ice figurs are lighted as if a soft

yellow shining is coming from it.
At night the ice figurs are lighted as if a soft yellow shining is coming from it.

Слайд 7The Magi

The Magi

Слайд 8The Angels

The Angels

Слайд 9The Pectoral Cross

The Pectoral Cross

Слайд 10The Church at Night

The Church at Night

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