Презентация, доклад к уроку защита окружающей среды

Waste- (отходы) Pollute- (загрязнять)Protect- (защищать) Environment- (окружающая среда)

Слайд 1The Earth needs a friend.

The Earth needs a friend.

Слайд 2Waste- (отходы)
Pollute- (загрязнять)
Protect- (защищать)
Environment- (окружающая

Waste- (отходы)          Pollute- (загрязнять)Protect- (защищать) Environment- (окружающая среда)

Слайд 3A. Human beings. B. An international disaster. C. What amazing wildlife. D. Chemical waste. E.

Attract a lot of attention . F. Go to the seaside.

A. Human beings. B. An international disaster. C. What amazing wildlife. D. Chemical waste. E. Attract a

Слайд 41.But now _____ _____ are, killing our planet.
2.The country air, once

clean and fresh, now may be ____ by power stations and factories.

3. Go to the seaside and you’ll see the ___ around you.

4. Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the ___ .

5. These are some of the world’s most serious ___ problems.

1.But now _____ _____ are, killing our planet.2.The country air, once clean and fresh, now may be

Слайд 5The End.

The End.

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