Презентация, доклад к уроку What's your job?


Запомни вопросWhat is your job? Their jobs are cooks. What is his job? My

Слайд 1Step 2
Фоминова Екатерина Павловна, учитель английского языка
МОУ Вербилковская СОШ

Step 2Фоминова Екатерина Павловна, учитель английского языкаМОУ Вербилковская СОШ

Слайд 2Запомни вопрос
What is your job?

Their jobs are cooks.
What is his job? My job is a doctor.
What is her job? His job is a teacher.
What are their jobs? Her job is nurse.
Запомни вопросWhat is your job?        Their jobs are cooks.

Слайд 3Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What are their


They are doctors.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat are their jobs? They are doctors.

Слайд 4Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What is her


She is a singer.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat is her job? She is a singer.

Слайд 5Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What is his


He is a teacher.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat is his job? He is a teacher.

Слайд 6Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What is her


She is a nurse.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat is her job? She is a nurse.

Слайд 7Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What is his


He is a servant.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat is his job? He is a servant.

Слайд 8Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What are their


They are drivers.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat are their jobs? They are drivers.

Слайд 9Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на него
What are their


They are dancers.

Посмотри на картинку, задай вопрос и ответь на негоWhat are their jobs? They are dancers.

Слайд 10Не перепутай значения слов

Не перепутай значения словSpeaker Speaker

Слайд 11Не перепутай значения слов

Не перепутай значения словReader Reader

Слайд 12Не перепутай значения слов

Не перепутай значения словJumper Jumper

Слайд 13Не перепутай значения слов

Не перепутай значения словCounterCounter

Слайд 14Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаFire

Слайд 15Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаDiary

Слайд 16Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаGiant

Слайд 17Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаTired

Слайд 18Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаHungry

Слайд 19Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаThirsty

Слайд 20Выучи новые слова

Выучи новые словаSick

Слайд 21a bright fire my

diary a hot fire her diary a big fire your diary a young giant a strong giant a happy giant
a bright fire        my diary a hot fire

Слайд 22Запомни вопрос
What’s the matter? -
Что случилось?

Запомни вопросWhat’s the matter? - Что случилось?

Слайд 23What’s the matter? – I’m tired What’s the matter? – I’m

thirsty What’s the matter? – I’m hungry What’s the matter? – I’m sick
What’s the matter? – I’m tired   What’s the matter? – I’m thirsty   What’s

Слайд 24What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Слайд 25 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Слайд 26What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Слайд 27What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Слайд 28 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Слайд 29 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

Слайд 30 STEP 3


Слайд 31What’s his job?
He is a cook

What’s his job? He is a cook

Слайд 32What’s his job?
He is a pilot

What’s his job? He is a pilot

Слайд 33What’s his job?
He is a pilot

What’s his job? He is a pilot

Слайд 34What’s her job?
She is a singer

What’s her job? She is a singer

Слайд 35What’s their jobs?
They are drivers

What’s their jobs? They are drivers

Слайд 36What’s their jobs?
They are doctors

What’s their jobs? They are doctors

Слайд 37What’s the matter?
She is

What’s the matter?She is hungry

Слайд 38What’s the matter?
He is

What’s the matter?He is tired

Слайд 39What’s the matter?
They are

What’s the matter?They are cold

Слайд 40I’m hot I’m not hot
I’m hungry
I’m not hungry

is thirsty

She is not thirsty

He is cold

He is not cold

They are sick

They are not sick

She is tired

She is not tired

I’m hot    I’m not hotI’m hungryI’m not hungryShe is thirstyShe is not thirstyHe is

Слайд 41Познакомься с новыми словами

g+e,i,y= [dз] g+другие буквы= [g]

a green sledge

Познакомься с новыми словами          g+e,i,y= [dз]

Слайд 47 general


Слайд 48a tall giant
a fat giant
in the cage
in the gym
on the page

the stage
a high stage
a low stage

a green sledge
a narrow sledge
an old general
a strong general

a tall gianta fat giantin the cagein the gymon the pageon the stagea high stagea low stagea

Слайд 49 General Green and his room

General Green and his room

Слайд 50УМК Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. 3 класс. – М.: Дрофа, 2015

и картинки: https://yandex.ru/images/
УМК Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык. 3 класс. – М.: Дрофа, 2015Фон и картинки: https://yandex.ru/images/

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