Презентация, доклад к уроку в 6 классе.

Winter is….. The temperature is sometimes….

Слайд 1Презентация к урокам английского языка по теме “Seasons and weather”. Учитель английского

языка МБОУ «школа №15» Башарова Валентина Владимировна
Презентация к урокам английского языка по теме  “Seasons and weather”. Учитель английского языка МБОУ «школа №15»

Слайд 4Winter is….. The temperature is sometimes….

Winter is….. The temperature is sometimes….

Слайд 5I like it when the weather is…..

I like it when the weather is…..

Слайд 6I dislike it when it is…..

I dislike it when it is…..

Слайд 7I like it when the day is…..

I like it when the day is…..

Слайд 8Spring is…… The temperature is sometimes…. I dislike it when it…..

Spring is…… The temperature is sometimes…. I dislike it when it…..

Слайд 9I like it when the day is…..

I like it when the day is…..

Слайд 10I like it when it is…..

I like it when it is…..

Слайд 11In this picture I can see … The children are… They are wearing…. The

day is…. They like it when….
In this picture I can see … The children are… They are wearing…. The day is…. They

Слайд 12We should be thankful together
Whatever the weather.

-read some texts
- answer questions

up stories
We should be thankful togetherWhatever the weather.-read some texts- answer questions-make up stories

Слайд 14Thank you for your work.

Thank you for your work.

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