Презентация, доклад к уроку Праздники народов России (Калмыцкий праздник Цаган Сар)

Tsagan-Sar is one of the most important Kalmyk holidays. People do not work on that day and have special celebrations. Tsagan-Sar is widely celebrated among people of all ages and all nationalities of our Republic. This

Слайд 1Tsagan-Sar
МКОУ «Лаганская СОШ № 1 им. Люлякина И.М.»
Шар-Манджиева Елена Борисовна,

английского языка
Tsagan-Sar  МКОУ «Лаганская СОШ № 1 им. Люлякина И.М.»Шар-Манджиева Елена Борисовна, учитель английского языка

Слайд 2Tsagan-Sar is one of the most important Kalmyk holidays. People do

not work on that day and have special celebrations. Tsagan-Sar is widely celebrated among people of all ages and all nationalities of our Republic. This holiday usually takes place in February or March. For the Kalmyk, it’s the first day of spring in their calendar.
Tsagan-Sar is one of the most important Kalmyk holidays. People do not work on that day and

Слайд 3This holiday has deep religious roots. But nowadays people hardly remember

about them, they just have fun, say good-bye to winter and honor the awakening of new life in nature. People grow tired of winter days to which Tsagan-Sar signifies an end. It is the day on which people say good wishes and ask, "Was the end of winter happy? How are you?"
This holiday has deep religious roots. But nowadays people hardly remember about them, they just have fun,

Слайд 4  By popular belief the gopher brings news of spring. It opens

its stores and lets warmth and light go out and so spring begins. Tsagan-Sar is translated from Kalmyk as "a white month". For the Kalmyk, white color means clearness and is associated with happiness and prosperity.
  By popular belief the gopher brings news of spring. It opens its stores and lets warmth

Слайд 5Tsagan-Sar is considered to be a family day for it is

customary for all members of the family to gather at the home of their parents. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. No matter where you may be the rest of the year, being at "home" with your family and friends for Tsagan-Sar is a "must".
Tsagan-Sar is considered to be a family day for it is customary for all members of the

Слайд 6 The Kalmyk begin preparing for this holiday beforehand. Everyone joins

in to help in the preparation of the festivities. Some family members go to buy presents, others decorate the house. And of course each household needs to make lots of food. The women rise early in the morning and make ritual pastries called bortsoki in different shapes, shapes of animals, birds and so on. They are made of flour, eggs, sour cream fried on a pan.  
The Kalmyk begin preparing for this holiday beforehand. Everyone joins in to help in the preparation

Слайд 7On Tsagan-Sar people eat traditional Kalmyk food: bortsoki, berg, mahan-sholtagan and

drink Kalmyk tea with milk, salt and butter. At the start of the meal the oldest of the family holding his cup of tea in his hand performs three "tzatzala" (three sprinkles using the fingers of his right hand to the Sky, Earth and Fire) and then he says a "yoral", his best wishes to his family and his guests.
On Tsagan-Sar people eat traditional Kalmyk food: bortsoki, berg, mahan-sholtagan and drink Kalmyk tea with milk, salt

Слайд 8This is the time to visit friends and relatives and everyone

gives and receives presents. There is a popular belief that inviting more guests brings more luck throughout the year. Everyone coming out of his house has to bring bortsoki with him and having met friends or neighbors ask them to help themselves. A lot of people attend religious services on Tsagan-Sar. Much help is given to the sick, disabled, poor, old.
This is the time to visit friends and relatives and everyone gives and receives  presents. There

Слайд 9A lot of parties are given for children and young people;

they listen to music, dance and compete in national games. Tsagan-Sar celebrations receive widespread coverage by mass-media. President delivers his traditional message with good wishes to the people of Kalmykia. Radio and TV broadcast concert programmes marked by a wealth and variety of repertoire, by an impressive array of artistic talent.
A lot of parties are given for children and young people; they listen to music, dance and

Слайд 10For the most Kalmyk families this is the most important festival

of the year, it's connected with hopes and dreams. This holiday goes on for a month filled with festive rituals fun and games.
For the most Kalmyk families this is the most important festival of the year, it's connected with

Слайд 11Thank you!

Thank you!

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