Презентация, доклад к уроку по теме Знатоки английского языка, 7 класс

1. I have four legs, but I can’t walk.

Слайд 1Знатоки английского языка

Знатоки английского языка

Слайд 2

1. I

have four legs, but I can’t walk.
2. I’m tall and green, I’m in the garden.
3. It doesn’t have legs, but it goes.
4. It doesn’t have legs, but it jumps.
5. Two brothers, but they don’t see each other.
6. It is white and cold and sweet. All children like it.
7. It is not a man, it is not a woman, but it teaches us.
8. It gives us milk and butter two. It’s very kind and likes to moor.
1. I have four legs, but I can’t

Слайд 3Мы – сестренки- близнецы,
Годовалые мальцы.

Если вместе – мы молчим,
Потому что есть хотим.

Если “S” пере домною,
Как змея шиплю.

Пятикласснику пока
трудно сладить с нами.
Надо кончик языка обхватить зубами.

Мы – сестренки- близнецы,   Годовалые мальцы.   Если вместе – мы молчим,

Слайд 4
Если «С» передо мною,
Тишины прошу


Злится «k» на букву «с».
Почему?- Не знаю.
Но когда вдвоем они,
Я лишь «k» читаю.

Мы два маленьких мяча,
Катимся мы с горки,
И в погоне сгоряча воем от восторга,
Но когда мы «k» встречаем,
Выть мы быстро прекращаем.
Если «С» передо мною,   Тишины прошу я.

Слайд 5
English proverbs and sayings Russian

proverbs and sayings

1. A friend in need is a friend in deed. А. Один за всех и все за одного.
2. All is well that ends well. В. Третий лишний.
3. Better late than never. С. За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.
4. Like mother, like daughter. Д. Пока живу- надеюсь. Надежда умирает последней.
5. No news is good news. Е. О вкусах не спорят.
6. No smoke without a fire. Ё. С глаз долой - из сердца вон.
7. Out of sight, out of mind. Ж. У беды длинные ноги.
8. Tastes differ. З. Если нет новостей - тоже неплохо.
9. Two is a company but three is none. И. Нет дыма без огня.
10. One for all and all for one. К. Яблоко от яблони недалеко падает.
11. Actions speak louder than words. Л. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
12. Bad news travels fast. М. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
13. While there is life there is hope. Н. Не по словам судят, а по делам.
14. You can’t eat cake and have it. О. Друзья познаются в беде.

English proverbs and sayings       Russian proverbs and sayings1. A friend in

Слайд 6Verses
1. How much is two plus two.
…apples for little Sue.

2. How much is three plus three.
… apples on the apple – tree.
3. My dog has four legs. I have only…
My dog likes to run, I like to run too.
4. Eleven little boys are playing ball with Ben.
Two boys go away and there are…
5. Five little girls as you can see
Are in the garden under the…
6. I see nine apples on the apple – tree
Six of them fall (падать) and now they are…
7. Do you see that big… tree.
Let’s run there: one, two, three.
8. Here sits the dog under the tree
It likes the tree as you can…
Verses 1. How much is two plus two. …apples for little Sue.

Слайд 7“How much?”
1. One apple, two apples, three apples, four

Five apples, six apples, seven apples more
Now tell me, little Paul, can you count them all?)

2. How much is eight and eleven? … - answers little Evan.
How much is eight plus eleven? …- answers little Kate
How much is eight from eleven? …- answers little Evan
How much is eleven minus eight? …- answers little Kate.
“How much?”1. One apple, two apples, three apples, four   Five apples, six apples, seven apples

Слайд 8Find the words in the dictionary and read them quickest of


Белка Squirrel
Борзая Greyhound
Лось Moose
Кит Whale

Find the words in the dictionary and read them quickest of allБелка    SquirrelБорзая

Слайд 9Grammar quiz
1. Ann and Mike is friends.
2. We English are.
3. Her

hobby has reading.
4. My parent’s names are Henry and Mary.
5. What colour the pencils are?
6. Ben have got a parrots.
7. You can play basketball?
8. There are a horse and 2 pigs in the yard.
9. The Brown live in Canada.
10. His sisters’ name is Kate.

Grammar quiz1. Ann and Mike is friends.2. We English are.3. Her hobby has reading.4. My parent’s names

Слайд 10Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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