Презентация, доклад к уроку по теме Образование за границей УМК ENJOY ENGLISH

Unit 4. The world of opportunitiesSection 1. Away from homeLesson 3

Слайд 1 Презентация к уроку по теме «Образование за границей» УМК «ENJOY ENGLISH» Биболетова М.З.,

Бабушис Е.Е., Снежко Н.Д. учебник для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений

Бердникова Т.А.,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ № 7 г.Ртищево
Саратовской области»

Презентация к уроку по теме

Слайд 2Unit 4. The world of opportunities
Section 1. Away from home
Lesson 3

Unit 4. The world of opportunitiesSection 1. Away from homeLesson 3

Слайд 313. Work in pairs. Read through the following words and expressions

and underline the ones you know. Make guesses about the others. Compare your ideas with your partner.
Experience of a lifetime
To provide with
To benefit from
To experience firsthand
Appreciation of something
To enhance students’ lives
Unforgettable awareness of something
To gain skills
13. Work in pairs. Read through the following words and expressions and underline the ones you know.

Слайд 414. Read the following information and answer these questions.
Where does the

information come from? How do you know?
What is the purpose of the text?
Which of the speakers from Ex. 4 does it refer to?
15. Go back to the words and expressions in Ex. 13 and find tem in the text. Check you guesses. See “How to guess word meaning from context” in “Learning strategies” (page 168). If you still don’t understand some of the words, look them up in a dictionary.
14. Read the following information and answer these questions.Where does the information come from? How do you

Слайд 516. Read some more information from the internet about a student

exchange programme and match the headings with the paragraphs.

17. For the words I bold from Ex. 16, choose the most appropriate meaning from the dictionary entries.

18. Work in pairs. Add to the list of advantages and disadvantages in Ex.6.
16. Read some more information from the internet about a student exchange programme and match the headings

Слайд 619. Word focus: word-formation

20. Make up 3-5 sentences with the words

from the table.

19. Word focus: word-formation20. Make up 3-5 sentences with the words from the table.

Слайд 721. a) Work in pairs. Write a list of 3-4 questions

you would like to find out about student exchange programmes.
b) At home. Use the internet to find more information about student exchange programmes. Be ready to report what you find to your classmates.

22. Look through the list of programmes below and think about which one you would like to take part in. Explain your choice.
21. a) Work in pairs. Write a list of 3-4 questions you would like to find out

Слайд 823. Write a letter of application explaining why you want to

participate in the programme. Use the plan below.
Describe the programme you would like to participate in.
Explain why you think you would benefit from it.
Describe yourself and the qualities you have that are relevant to the situation.
Express your hope to succeed.
23. Write a letter of application explaining why you want to participate in the programme. Use the

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