Презентация, доклад к уроку по теме Ecological Problems 8 класс


Phoenetic exercises[e] – environment, protect, protest [l] – collect, less, litter, pollute; [r] – forest, prohibit, protect, rubbish;

Слайд 1Ecological problems
Is ecology in danger?

Ecological problemsIs ecology in danger?

Слайд 2Phoenetic exercises
[e] – environment, protect, protest

[l] – collect, less, litter, pollute;
[r] – forest, prohibit, protect, rubbish; [i] – ecology, litter; [w] –well, winds, weather;
Whales went to Wales to watch walruses. Who went to Wales to watch walruses?
Where did whales go to watch walruses?
What did whales go to Wales to watch?

Phoenetic exercises[e] – environment, protect, protest        [l] – collect, less,

Слайд 3Translate from Russian into English
Загрязнение окружающей среды
Pollution of the environment

Translate from Russian into EnglishЗагрязнение окружающей средыPollution of the environment

Слайд 4Химические отходы
Chemical waste
Законы против загрязнения
Antipollution laws

Химические отходыChemical wasteЗаконы против загрязненияAntipollution laws

Слайд 5Проблемы окружающей среды
Environmental problems

Проблемы окружающей средыEnvironmental problems

Слайд 6Разновидности животных и птиц
Species of animals and birds
Загрязнение воды
Water pollution

Разновидности животных и птицSpecies of animals and birdsЗагрязнение водыWater pollution

Слайд 7Мусор
Litter; rubbish
Люди в опасности
People are in danger

МусорLitter; rubbishЛюди в опасностиPeople are in danger

Слайд 8Решать проблемы окружающей среды
Solve environmental problems

Решать проблемы окружающей средыSolve environmental problems

Слайд 9Ecological problems

Ecological problems

Слайд 10Translate from English into Russian

We live among litter
Мы живём среди мусора

Translate from English into RussianWe live among litterМы живём среди мусора

Слайд 11Deforestation
Air pollution
Загрязнение воздуха

DeforestationОбезлесеваниеAir pollutionЗагрязнение воздуха

Слайд 12Chemical waste is dangerous for wildlife
Химические отходы опасны для живой природы

Chemical waste is dangerous for wildlifeХимические отходы опасны для живой природы

Слайд 13Predictions of scientists are alarming
Предсказания учёных тревожны

Predictions of scientists are alarmingПредсказания учёных тревожны

Слайд 14The Earth is poisoned by waste
Земля отравлена отходами
International disaster
Международная катастрофа

The Earth is poisoned by wasteЗемля отравлена отходами International disasterМеждународная катастрофа

Слайд 15A human being destroys his planet
Человек уничтожает свою планету

A human being destroys his planetЧеловек уничтожает свою планету

Слайд 16Many species of birds and animals are disappearing
Многие разновидности птиц и

животных исчезают
Many species of birds and animals are disappearingМногие разновидности птиц и животных исчезают

Слайд 17Let’s take care of our planet
Давайте заботиться о нашей планете

Let’s take care of our planetДавайте заботиться о нашей планете

Слайд 18Put the statements below in the right categories
turn the rivers into

Build factories on river banks
Feed animals in cold seasons
help animals to survive
Pour toxic waste into the rivers and lakes
Dump old cars in forests
Burn toxic waste
Clean rivers and lakes
Be careful with farm waste
Use rivers for washing cars
Make Clean Air laws
Pay big money if you ‘re a polluter
Take lorries out of the city or town centers
Make laws to control pollution


Put the statements below in the right categoriesDOsturn the rivers into dumpsBuild factories on river banksFeed animals

Слайд 19What words do you associate with these pictures, Сompare its
Beautiful forests,

clean waters (lakes and rivers), green grass, fresh air…

Polluted rivers and lakes, a lot of litter(garbage, trash, rubbish)

What words do you associate with these pictures, Сompare itsBeautiful forests, clean waters (lakes and rivers), green

Слайд 20What words do you associate with these pictures, Сompare its
Deforestation, cutting

down trees, lack of natural environment

Wildlife, peace and quite, natural habitats, old fallen trees

What words do you associate with these pictures, Сompare itsDeforestation, cutting down trees, lack of natural environmentWildlife,

Слайд 21What words do you associate with these pictures, compare its
Kurchatov’s nuclear

power station  

Heat power station

Metallurgical enterprises of Lipetsk

What words do you associate with these pictures, compare itsKurchatov’s nuclear power station  Heat power stationMetallurgical enterprises of

Слайд 22Check your answers

Feed animals in cold seasons

animals to survive
Clean rivers and lakes
Be careful with farm waste
Make Clean Air laws
Pay big money if you ‘re a polluter
Take lorries out of the city or town centers
Make laws to control pollution


Build factories on river banks
Pour toxic waste into the rivers and lakes
Dump old cars in forests
Burn toxic waste
turn the rivers into dumps
Use rivers for washing cars

Check your answers Dos   Feed animals in cold seasonshelp animals to surviveClean rivers and lakesBe

Слайд 23Home task: using key-words make a text about ecological problems in

your area

In danger
Water pollution
Air pollution
Local Starch’n’syrup Factory(Крахмало-паточный завод)
Endangered species
School forestry
Cleaning up days

You may use PowerPoint presentation for your answer

Home task: using key-words make a text about ecological problems in your areaIn dangerDeforestation Water pollutionAir pollutionLocal

Слайд 24Библиография
Английский язык. Spotlight 8 Английский в фокусе// Ваулина, Е.Ю., Дули, Д.,Подоляко,

О.Е., Эванс,В., - М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2014 – 170с.
Апальков В.Г. Авторская рабочая программа «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ В ФОКУСЕ, 5–9» (“SPOTLIGHT”), М.: Просвещение, 2011
Баринова, И.И., География 8 класс/И.И. Баринов, М.: Просвещение, 2014. – 305с.
Murphy R. «English Grammar in Use» - Cambridge University Press, 1998
Longman Dictionary of English Culture – Longman Limited Group, 1992
Macmillan English Dictionary for advanced learners – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2002
Интернет – ресурс www.prosveschenie.ru
Журнал «Иностранные языки в школе»
Англо-русские, русско-английские, англо-английские словари

БиблиографияЛитератураАнглийский язык. Spotlight 8 Английский в фокусе// Ваулина, Е.Ю., Дули, Д.,Подоляко, О.Е., Эванс,В., - М.: Express Publishing:

Слайд 25Thank you for attention and improve your English!

Thank you for attention and improve your English!

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