Презентация, доклад к уроку по английскому языку на тему Архитектура Беларуси (10 класс)

Aims:to develop speaking skillsto practice using vocabularyto promote positive attitude to architecture of Belarus

Слайд 1Architecture of Belarus

Architecture of Belarus

Слайд 2Aims:
to develop speaking skills
to practice using vocabulary
to promote positive attitude to

architecture of Belarus
Aims:to develop speaking skillsto practice using vocabularyto promote positive attitude to architecture of Belarus

Слайд 3Nesvizh castle  Nesvizh castle is situated in Minsk region. From the 16th

to the 20th century - the residence of the princes Radziwill. Include the actual castle, the castle fortifications, and a large landscape Park.  Externally, the Palace always looked very romantic: a monumental building with a harmonious badname different size, raised above the water, sinking in green trees.  The architectural ensemble of Niasvizh castle is a historical and cultural Museum-reserve. Since 2005, however, located in the side of the Farny Church included in the UNESCO World heritage site.
Nesvizh castle  Nesvizh castle is situated in Minsk region. From the 16th to the 20th century -

Слайд 4The Church of the Body of God in Nesvizh
The Church of

the Body of God is an equally great shrine for both the Radziwill family, and for all the peoples of the former GDL, and for every believer. August 19, 1584 Orphans signed an act of foundation in Nesvizh collegium. The family shrine of the Radziwills in the crypt of the church of the Body of God became the third largest family burial vault in Europe. the interior decoration of the Church of God's Body can be called one of the most outstanding museums of the artistic European tradition of its time.
The Church of the Body of God in NesvizhThe Church of the Body of God is an

Слайд 5The National Library of Belarus is an object of the cultural

heritage of Belarusians, collects, stores and provides for use a universal fund of documents, books, printed and electronic publications reflecting the accumulated knowledge of mankind and having, first of all, an attitude towards Belarus.  The National Library in Minsk was founded in 1922  The construction of a new building of the National Library marked the beginning of a new stage in the development of the country's largest library, this building became one of the main national symbols, a kind of visiting card of the country. The new building of the National Library of Belarus was opened on June 16, 2006.
The National Library of Belarus is an object of the cultural heritage of Belarusians, collects, stores and

Слайд 6The main square of the Belarusian capital, its architectural ensemble began

to take shape in the 1930-ies. The main place in the center of the square is the Victory Monument in the form of the obelisk, there is also a cozy garden and a house. In addition, in Victory Square was laid the capsule with earth from different cities-heroes. Working here and the hall of remembrance of the heroes of the great Patriotic war so that the area lives up to its name
The main square of the Belarusian capital, its architectural ensemble began to take shape in the 1930-ies.

Слайд 7The Brest Fortress is one of those places that should be

visited in Belarus. On its territory, to commemorate the heroic deed of defenders, a memorial complex is created. The memorial begins with the main entrance in the form of a huge star cut in a concrete block. "The bayonet" is visible from any point of the fortress and is connected with the main monument "Courage". The sculptural composition "Thirst" depicts a Soviet soldier who, relying on the machine gun, tries his best to reach the river and scoop up water. The main part of the memorial is the square where mass celebrations take place. Before the ruins of the former engineering department, the Eternal Flame burns.
The Brest Fortress is one of those places that should be visited in Belarus. On its territory,

Слайд 8Braslavschina is one of the most beautiful natural places of Belarus,

where unusual relief and water smoothness of lakes with a rich flora and fauna are combined. In 1995, the National Park "Braslav Lakes" was established in order to preserve the natural complex of the Braslav group of lakes as a standard of natural landscapes, the storage of the genetic fund for flora and fauna of the Byelorussian Poozerie and its use in the process of environmental, scientific, educational, tourist, recreational and recreational activities. the area of ​​which is 64.4 hectares.
Braslavschina is one of the most beautiful natural places of Belarus, where unusual relief and water smoothness

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