Презентация, доклад к уроку по английскому языку в 5 классе по теме ШОППИНГ

Shopping in London is very easy and interesting. Oxford street is the most popular and biggest shopping centre in the capital of Great Britain. Various department stores and shops attract many natives and people from other



Слайд 2Shopping in London is very easy and interesting. Oxford street is

the most popular and biggest shopping centre in the capital of Great Britain. Various department stores and shops attract many natives and people from other countries.
Shopping in London is very easy and interesting. Oxford street is the most popular and biggest shopping

Слайд 3All the department stores and shops are usually open till 18.00

except on Sunday. On Thursday they close at 20.00. There are many book shops, shoe shops, clothes shops and other kinds of shops in the Oxford street. Some people prefer large department stores because they offer many different goods at a single location.
All the department stores and shops are usually open till 18.00 except on Sunday. On Thursday they

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