Презентация, доклад к уроку по английскому языку Новосибирский зоопарк - 5 класс

I like it because there are a lot of animals and they are interesting!

Слайд 1Hi! My name is Karina. I live in Novosibirsk. My favourite

place in my city is our zoo.
Hi! My name is Karina. I live in Novosibirsk. My favourite place in my city is our

Слайд 2I like it because there are a lot of animals and

they are interesting!
I like it because there are a lot of animals and they are interesting!

Слайд 3The symbol of the zoo is a snow leopard.

The symbol of the zoo is a snow leopard.

Слайд 4This is a tiger’s family. They are funny!

This is a tiger’s family. They are funny!

Слайд 5It’s a pond with ducks and people like walking around it.

It’s a pond with ducks and people like walking around it.

Слайд 6Also you can see white bears here. Now they are dancing.

It’s cool!
Also you can see white bears here. Now they are dancing. It’s cool!

Слайд 7It’s excellent to walk
with your family and have lots of

fun there!
It’s excellent to walk with your family and have lots of fun there!

Слайд 8

When did you go to the zoo last time?
Would you like

to feed animals in the zoo?
When did you go to the zoo last time?Would you like to feed animals in the zoo?

Слайд 9Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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