Презентация, доклад к уроку Необычные дома. 6 класс. УМК КУзовлев В.П.

What is there in the picture?

Слайд 1

December, 17

East or West, home is best.

[i:] [h] [z]

[w] [s]

[b] [t]

December, 17East or West, home is

Слайд 3 What is there in the picture?

What is there in the picture?

Слайд 4 Describe the pictures: There is……./ there are….

Describe the pictures: There is……./ there are….

Слайд 5Do you live in a house or a flat? Look at

these pictures. In Britain some people live here. Is it a house or a flat?

A lighthouse a caravan a teepee a houseboat

Do you live in a house or a flat? Look at these pictures. In Britain some people

Слайд 6
People have different opinions about living in a lighthouse, a caravan,

a teepee.

Listen to the information and answer the question:
Do Rick, Mrs. Wilson and Ellis like living in their houses?
(ex. 2 page 57.)
People have different opinions about living in a lighthouse, a caravan, a teepee. Listen to the information

Слайд 7In groups find out good and bad points living in a lighthouse,

a caravan, a teepee.
In groups find out good and bad points living in a lighthouse, a caravan, a teepee.

Слайд 8Would you like to live in one of these houses?
I would

like to live in a……….because……..
It is………… There is …… There are……..

I would not like to live in a……..because……..
There is ………. There are no…………
Would you like to live in one of these houses?I would like to live in a……….because……..It is…………

Слайд 9Hometask:
Read the poem
«There is a room in my house»

tell about your room.

Thank you ! See you later!
Hometask: Read the poem «There is a room in my house» and tell about your room.Thank you

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