Презентация, доклад к уроку на тему Роберт Бернс (10 класс)

Слайд 1

Burns Night

Burns Night

Слайд 2What do they have in common ?

What do they have in common ?

Слайд 3Scottish poet, famous overworld.
He wrote his poems, songs and lyrics

chiefly in the Scottish dialect.

Robert Burns (1759-1796)

Scottish poet, famous overworld. He wrote his poems, songs and lyrics chiefly in the Scottish dialect.Robert Burns

Слайд 4His Life
Burns started writing poems at the age of seventeen.

Though Burns`s

poems were popular, he always remained poor.

Robert Burns was born on January 25, 1759, in a small clay cottage at Alloway in Ayrshire, Scotland.

His father was a poor farmer.

His LifeBurns started writing poems at the age of seventeen.Though Burns`s poems were popular, he always remained

Слайд 5The Selkirk Grace
Some hae meat and canna eat,
And some

wad eat that want it;
But we hae meat and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thanket.

У которых есть, что есть, — те подчас не могут есть,
А другие могут есть, да сидят без хлеба.
А у нас тут есть, что есть, да при этом есть, чем есть,
Значит, нам благодарить остается небо! С.Я.Маршак
The Selkirk Grace Some hae meat and canna eat, And some wad eat that want it; But

Слайд 6Burns`s cottage. Alloway
Five years after Robert Burns died, a group of

his friends got together to remember him and his poetry. The tradition became established and now, every year on his birthday, 25th January, Scots all round the world celebrate Burns Night with a Burns Supper which follows a format similar to the original dinner (often with much toasting and drinking of whisky!) 
Burns`s cottage. AllowayFive years after Robert Burns died, a group of his friends got together to remember

Слайд 7Members of the public
attend the Burns supper

Members of the publicattend the Burns supper

Слайд 8Burns Night Supper
A traditional Burns Supper will often include the following:

soup (chicken and vegetable)
Haggis, neeps and tatties
Sherry Trifle
Oatcakes and cheese
If you can't get hold of a haggis or would prefer not to, you could always make a meatloaf!

A plate of haggis, neeps and tatties

Burns Night SupperA traditional Burns Supper will often include the following:Cock-A-Leekie soup (chicken and vegetable)Haggis, neeps and

Слайд 9Haggis is a sheep’s stomach stuffed with the sheep’s heart, liver

and lung

Cock-A-Leekie soup
(chicken and vegetable)

Sherry Trifle

Oatcakes and cheese

Haggis is a sheep’s stomach stuffed with the sheep’s heart, liver and lungCock-A-Leekie soup (chicken and vegetable)Sherry

Слайд 10Use the words below and
tell about the Burns Night:
The Selkirk





Raising their glasses

The star attraction of the supper

Scottish people

Sing together

25 th of January

Sherry trifle

Use the words below and tell about the Burns Night:The Selkirk GracebagpiperHaggisrecitesRaising their glassesThe star attraction of

Слайд 11Home task – p.115 ex. 4
Write a paragraph / prepare a

presentation about
a special festival in your
country / city.

name of festival
any other special traditions

Home task – p.115 ex. 4Write a paragraph / prepare a presentation abouta special festival in your

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