Презентация, доклад к уроку Молодежные субкультуры

The hippie movement was conceived as a youth movement in the US and the UK in the mid-1960s.Hippie themselves have never been so named. They prefer to call themselves "beautiful people."

Слайд 1 Hippie


Слайд 2The hippie movement was conceived as a youth movement in the

US and the UK in the mid-1960s.
Hippie themselves have never been so named. They prefer to call themselves "beautiful people."

The hippie movement was conceived as a youth movement in the US and the UK in the

Слайд 3Hippies preferred vegetarianism. Most often, they are prepared inexpensive food -

soups, salads, vegetable dishes and desserts.
Hippie contributed to the adoption of laws regulating organic production in many states. Organic farming is considered the main thanks to hippies in the US.

Hippies preferred vegetarianism. Most often, they are prepared inexpensive food - soups, salads, vegetable dishes and desserts.Hippie

Слайд 4 
The End

   The End

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