Презентация, доклад к уроку Mass Media в 9 классе

1. Press (newspapers and periodical) 2. Radio 3. Television 4. Internet Mass media branches



Слайд 21. Press (newspapers and periodical) 2. Radio 3. Television 4. Internet
Mass media branches

1. Press (newspapers and periodical)  2. Radio  3. Television  4. Internet Mass media branches

Слайд 3

Newspapersnational local

Слайд 4National newspapers
quality papers

National newspapers  quality paperstabloids

Слайд 5History of radio
Nikola Tesla developed means to reliably produce radio frequencies,

publicly demonstrated the principles of radio, and transmitted long distant signals.

On May 7, 1895 the Russian physicist Alexander Popov
performed a public demonstration of transmission
and reception of radio waves used for communication. This day has since been celebrated in Russia as “Radio Day”

Guglielmo Marconi was an electrical engineer and Nobel laureate known for the development of a practical wireless telegraphy system.
In 1896, he was awarded a patent for radio with British Patent .

History of radioNikola Tesla developed means to reliably produce radio frequencies, publicly demonstrated the principles of radio,

Слайд 6A radio in the UK

A radio in the UK

Слайд 7The British television
940 television broadcasts stations
400 different TV channels in The


Major British TV Channel is

The British television940 television broadcasts stations400 different TV channels in The UK.Major British TV Channel is

Слайд 8Internet
A worldwide system of interconnected networks and computers

InternetA worldwide system of interconnected networks and computers

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