Презентация, доклад к уроку Kazakhstan is my motherland

The 19-th of April.Kazakhstan is my motherland

Слайд 1

Слайд 4 The 19-th of April.
Kazakhstan is my motherland

The 19-th of April.Kazakhstan is my motherland

Слайд 5According to our theme of the lesson can you guess what

will be the aims (цели) of our lesson?
How do you think, what we shall do today?
What knowledge (знания) will you need for doing this?
According to our theme of the lesson can you guess what will be the aims (цели) of

Слайд 6
Answer the questions:
What’s your name?
Where are you from?

old are you?
Which class are you in?
How many boys are there in your class?
How many girls are there in your class?
What do you like to eat?
What do you like to drink?
Have you got a dog?
What colour is your dog?

Answer the questions:What’s your name?Where are you from?How old are you?Which class are you

Слайд 7Translate the words into Russian and into Kazakh:


Translate the words into Russian and into Kazakh:large countryriverlakePresidentflaggoldencapitalmotherlandpeople

Слайд 9Criteria
“5” –no mistakes
“4” - 1-2 mistakes
“3” – 3-5 mistakes
“2” – more

than 5 mistakes
Criteria“5” –no mistakes“4” - 1-2 mistakes“3” – 3-5 mistakes“2” – more than 5 mistakes

Слайд 10Let’s have a rest!

Let’s have a rest!

Слайд 11Read and translate into Russian the text in groups
“Kazakhstan is

my Motherland”
Kazakhstan is very үлкен ел. It is in Asia. There are lakes, forests and mountains in Kazakhstan. There are many адамдар of different nations live in Kazakhstan. The елбасы of the country is Nursultan Nazarbayev.
Kazakhstan has its symbols. One of them is ту. The color of the flag is blue and there is a алтын sun and eagle in the centre. The астана of Kazakhstan is Astana. Astana is a modern and beautiful city. I love my ел. Kazakhstan is my Отан.
Read and translate into Russian the text in groups “Kazakhstan is my Motherland”Kazakhstan is very үлкен ел.

Слайд 12True or false
Kazakhstan is a very small country.
It’s in Asia.
There are

not any lakes and rivers in Kazakhstan.
The color of the flag is blue.
Almaty is the capital of Kazakhstan.
Astana is a beautiful and modern city.
True or falseKazakhstan is a very small country.It’s in Asia.There are not any lakes and rivers in

Слайд 131. False.
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. False
6. True

1. False. 2. True3. False4. True5. False6. True

Слайд 14Criteria:
“5” – no mistakes
“4” – 1 mistake
“3” – 2-3 mistakes
“2” –

more than 3 mistakes
Criteria:“5” – no mistakes“4” – 1 mistake“3” – 2-3 mistakes“2” – more than 3 mistakes

Слайд 15Translate the sentences into English and make up a cluster:

Мы из

Қазақстан – менің Отаным.
Президент страны – Нурсултан Назарбаев.
Флаг-символ нашей страны.
В центре флага золотое солнце и орел.
Астана – Қазақстанның астанасы.
Мен өз Отанымды сүйемін.

Translate the sentences into English and make up a cluster:Мы из Казахстана.Қазақстан – менің Отаным.Президент страны –

Слайд 16Presentation of clusters

Presentation of clusters

Слайд 17 Home


«3» ex5, p150 (read the text),
“4” ex10, p150 (read and translate the sentences
into Russian),
“5” to make up 6-7 sentences on the theme
“Kazakhstan” and learn
Home work«3» ex5, p150 (read the text),“4”

Слайд 18Выставление оценки за урок:

«5» - 23 и более баллов
«4» - 22-16

«3» - 15 и менее баллов

Выставление оценки за урок:«5» - 23 и более баллов«4» - 22-16 баллов«3» - 15 и менее баллов

Слайд 19На уроке я узнал(а)…
Я научился(ась)..
Я не совсем разобрался(ась)…
Я бы хотел(а)…
Было интересно..

Работать в группах было…

На уроке я узнал(а)…Я научился(ась)..Я не совсем разобрался(ась)…Я бы хотел(а)…Было интересно..Было трудно…Работать в группах было…

Слайд 20Рефлексия.


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