Презентация, доклад к уроку I am going around the town (5 класс)


Слайд 1I am going around the town
Lesson 2

I am going around  the town Lesson 2

Слайд 7Moscow


Слайд 15Directions game
look at the pictures from this game and match

them with the captions SB, Ex.1
Directions game look at the pictures from this game and match them with the captions SB, Ex.1

Слайд 16
Into – в (внутрь) Up –

Out of – из Down – вниз
Across – через To turn - повернуть
Around – вокруг straight on - прямо
On – на right - направо
Off – c left – налево
Into – в (внутрь)      Up – вверхOut of – из

Слайд 17
Guess what your partner is doing.

1) Are you going …?

Into the shop
Out of the museum…
2) No, I am not.\ Yes, I am.
Guess what your partner is doing. 1) Are you going …?  Into the shopOut of the

Слайд 18«Treasure hunt»
AB, Ex. 1.1) – 2)

«Treasure hunt»AB, Ex. 1.1) – 2)

Слайд 19Home work:
АВ, Ex. 2 3)
Reader book,
p. 55-56, Ex.2

Home work:АВ, Ex. 2 3)Reader book, p. 55-56, Ex.2

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