Презентация, доклад к уроку Great Patriotic War in my family's history

My great-grandfather Feodor Ivanovitch Vetoshkin was young when he joined the Army and came to the front. It happened in 1942. At that time he graduated from the Institute of engineering and technology.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2My great-grandfather Feodor Ivanovitch Vetoshkin was young when he joined the

Army and came to the front. It happened in 1942. At that time he graduated from the Institute of engineering and technology.
My great-grandfather Feodor Ivanovitch Vetoshkin was young when he joined the Army and came to the front.

Слайд 3Having such an education my great-grandfather became an artilleryman in the

regiment artillerie. At the beginning of the War he was a gun – layer, later he became a spotter of the artillery fire.
Having such an education my great-grandfather became an artilleryman in the regiment artillerie. At the beginning of

Слайд 4

During the battles my great-grandfather was wounded several times. He

got his last wound during the assault on the city Königsberg. For this struggle he was awarded the order of the Red Star.
During the battles my great-grandfather was wounded several times. He got his last wound during the

Слайд 5My great-grandfather met the Victory at hospital. After the recovery he

was sent to another front on the Far East and participated in the Russian-Japanese war. He returned home only in 1946.
My great-grandfather met the Victory at hospital. After the recovery he was sent to another front on

Слайд 6My great-grandfather was a war veteran and awarded a lot of

orders and medals.
My great-grandfather was a war veteran and awarded a lot of orders and medals.

Слайд 7After the war he taught at the Transport College till 1976.

Then he retired and spent a lot of time in the countryside . For his excellent work my great-grandfather was awarded the medal "veteran of labour“.
After the war he taught at the Transport College till 1976. Then he retired and spent a

Слайд 8This portrait of my great-grandfather was painted by the artist M.

Nefyodov in 1987.

My great-grandfather died in 1992 at the age of 76.
I am very proud of my great-grandfather and honor his memory.

This portrait of my great-grandfather was painted by the artist M. Nefyodov in 1987.My great-grandfather died in

Слайд 9My great-grandfather died in 1992 at the age of 76.


am very proud of my great-grandfather and honor his memory.
My great-grandfather died in 1992 at the age of 76. I am very proud of my great-grandfather

Слайд 10Made by Kseniya Vetoshkina pupil of school 70
Kazan Tatarstan


presentation was made with the support of my teacher of English - Orlova Nina Anatolyevna
Made by  Kseniya Vetoshkina  pupil of school 70  Kazan TatarstanThis presentation was made with

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