Презентация, доклад к уроку Furry friends Module 5, Lesson 10а


Слайд 1Clever animals

учитель английского языка
Марушкова Кристина Игоревна
ГБОУ «Гимназия № 5» г.


Clever animals учитель английского языкаМарушкова Кристина ИгоревнаГБОУ «Гимназия № 5» г. Севастополь

Слайд 2Greeting!


Слайд 3Let’s sing and dance

Let’s sing and dance

Слайд 4Tongue exercise
“Little, little bird,
Where can you fly,
In the blue, blue


Tongue exercise “Little, little bird,Where can you fly,In the blue, blue sky?”

Слайд 5 Put (+) or (-) and complete the sentences

with these words
Put (+) or (-) and complete the sentences with these  words

Слайд 6We have some problems

We have some problems

Слайд 7What word is the same?
I can talk. A

parrot can talk. (+)
She can not (can’t) crawl.
They can not (can’t) swim. (-)
Can you jump? – Yes, I can.
Can he sing? – No, he can’t. (?)

What word is the same?   I can talk. A parrot can talk.

Слайд 8Chit-chat. Ask and answer.
Can you jump?
Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Chit-chat. Ask and answer.Can you jump?Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Слайд 9Let’s sing and show the actions

Let’s sing and show the actions

Слайд 10Read the text according to these marks
V - I

know (знаю)
+ - It’s new (новое)
? – I have questions (есть вопросы)
Read the text according to these marks  V - I know (знаю)  + - It’s

Слайд 11Brainstorm!
Write 3 animals that ….
1. can swim.
2. can jump.
3. have got

two legs.
4. have got big ears.
5. have got long tails.
6. can climb.

Brainstorm!Write 3 animals that ….1. can swim.2. can jump.3. have got two legs.4. have got big ears.5.

Слайд 12Answers:
1. a seahorse, a fish, a dolphin
2. a rabbit, a dog,

a horse
3. a parrot, a chick, a bird
4. a chimp, a rabbit, an elephant,
5. a cat, a mouse, a horse
6. a chimp, a cat, a koala

Answers:1. a seahorse, a fish, a dolphin2. a rabbit, a dog, a horse3. a parrot, a chick,

Слайд 13Homework
To write a story about your pet and tell about it.

HomeworkTo write a story about your pet and tell about it.

Слайд 14Now we CAN

Now we CAN

Слайд 15Draw an elephant (Рефлексия)
Big ears – you listen attentively to all

the material. (вы внимательно слушали и воспринимаете материал больше на слух);
Big eyes – you watch and perceive all the material visually.(вы внимательно смотрели и воспринимаете материал зрительно);
A long nose – knowledge which you accept. (знания, которые вы приобретаете);
A big/small head – thinking process (мыслительный процесс);
Thing legs – uncertainty (неуверенность в знаниях);
Fat legs – certainty (уверенность в знаниях)

Draw an elephant (Рефлексия)Big ears – you listen attentively to all the material. (вы внимательно слушали и

Слайд 16Thank you for your work!

Thank you for your work!

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